Brian Smith Associate Vice Chancellor, Research Infrastructure and Operations Academic Senate Committee on Research December 15, 2014
My Background Experience in private and public organizations Research administration at both University of Oregon and University of California, San Diego – Sponsored research – Affiliations – Technology transfer – Clinical trials JD and MBA
Research Infrastructure & Operations Enhance the research enterprise Promote a safe research, patient care, and work environment
Responsibilities Organization: – Research Management Services (RMS) – Government & Business Contracts (GBC) – Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC) – Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Other: – Represent the Office of Research in campuswide planning and on selected UC systemwide committees and councils.
Research Management Services (RMS) Support researchers, from pre-award through the award process, on all grant mechanisms. Collaborate with the Principal Investigator, his/her department and our sponsors. Ten teams housed at many campus sites. Each team includes a Pre-Award Manager, Research Service Coordinators (RSCs) and RMS Associates. > Marge O’Halloran, Director
Government & Business Contracts (GBC) Proposal development, contract negotiation and award acceptance for faculty seeking contracts with federal, state, municipal or foreign governments. > John Radkowski, Director
Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC) Provide quality care for all animals used at UCSF. Assist faculty in their mission of quality research with respect to the use of laboratory animals. Act as a resource center on all issues relating to laboratory animals. Assist the University to meet its goal of humane treatment of laboratory animals. > James Wilkerson, Executive Director
Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Ensure a safe and healthy work environment Promote a safe research and patient care environment – Train UCSF employees. – Develop and implement proper health and safety procedures. – Conduct environmental and personnel monitoring to verify effectiveness of EH&S programs. – Maintain regulatory/administratively required records. – Develop and maintain an effective emergency response program. > Robert Eaton, Director
Key Issues Funding model SPA Workgroup AAALAC accreditation visit Ebola preparation
Office of Sponsored Research 2014 Satisfaction Survey
Organized Research Units (ORUs) Review Process Summary
Organized Research Units (ORUs) University-established academic units. Provides supportive infrastructure for interdisciplinary research complementary to the academic goals of departments of instruction and research. ORU functions: – facilitate research and research collaborations; – disseminate research results through research conferences, meetings and other activities; – strengthen graduate and undergraduate education by providing students with training opportunities and access to facilities; – seek extramural research funds; and – carry out university and public service programs related to the ORU’s research expertise.
Chancellors’ Authority for ORUs Create new ORUs, change the names of existing ORUs, and make decisions such as consolidating, transferring, or disestablishing existing ORUs (systemwide review no longer required). If favorably reviewed by the relevant Divisional Academic Senate committee and approved by the campus administration, a proposed action involving an ORU is implemented.
ORU Review Process Academic Senate Involvement - I Academic Senate (or committees thereof) are to be consulted about these review-related matters: – Rules governing review; – Assuring that five-year reviews are conducted; – Timing of fifteen-year reviews; and – Establishing an ad hoc fifteen-year review committee.
ORU Review Process Academic Senate Involvement - II Academic Senate or committee also: – Nominates the ORU review committee slate; and – Examines the review committee report to recommend whether an ORU should be continued or changed in any way.
Relevant University Documentation Regarding ORUs Administrative Policies and Procedures Concerning Organized Research Units – December 7, Compendium of Universitywide Review Processes for Academic Programs, Academic Units, and Research Units – March Historical: – Regents Policy – Memo Operating Guidance, No (March 12, 1993) – University Policy and Procedures Concerning Organized Research Units -- Reissuance
UCSF ORUs Cardiovascular Research Institute Center for Reproductive Sciences Diabetes Center George Williams Hooper Foundation Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Institute for Human Genetics Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases Phillip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies