Pink Dolphins
What types of foods do the pink dolphins eat? Pink dolphins usually eat; Crabs Catfish Small river fish sometimes they also eat small turtles. The pink dolphins spend a lot of time swimming at the bottom of the river looking for food so that they have something to eat.
Changes in Pink dolphins The height of a female pink dolphin is about 6.6 feet and it weighs in at 217 pounds. Whilst that of a male is 8.4 feet and weighs in at 345 pounds. Pink dolphins colour changes in growth period; Birth: black Childhood: grey Youth: age pinkish grey with spots Adult: pinkish white and the spots will fade out
The Pink dolphins population is decreasing The Pink dolphins population is decreasing. The range is around 100 to 150. What is killing them? Sewage boat traffic Fishing net Pollution Searching for food Reclamation Boat traffic
What are pink dolphins like? Pink dolphins are very friendly sea creatures. They are gifted with a natural smiling face. Like other dolphins, pink dolphins have a blowhole which they breathe from. Around every two minutes the dolphins need to swim up to the surface to breathe through their blowhole.
What can we do to protect the pink dolphins? We can help save the pink dolphins by not littering the sea. Making sure that the dolphins have enough food to eat to survive.
Dolphins assisted therapy Dolphins are used in therapy sessions especially amongst children in certain diseases. Contact with dolphins who are the friendliest creatures of the sea and therapy sessions are like a game for patients and other people.
Where are pink dolphins located? The Chinese river dolphins (or Chinese white dolphin) are one of the endangered dolphin species with less than 300 dolphins in the Yangtze River. This is the only place that they are found. The Franciscan is a relative of the Chinese white dolphin. Unlike other dolphins they inhabit the shallow ocean. They are an uncommon species. Also they are rarely seen along the coast of South America.