New Intake Meeting
Our Focus during your child’s first year Learning through play Phonics Key person Environment Parent Partnership
Our Induction 3 afternoons and 1 move-up morning New children to pre-visit school, meet staff and existing children Take part in fun activities Dates have been sent to you 1.15pm till 2.15pm Drop off - in the front courtyard by the front gate Pick up - behind the gate in the car park Parents welcome to stay if this meets child’s needs
Home visits: Time to talk to parent and child in their home Ask any questions about school/routines Discussion about child’s likes and dislikes, allergies and medical needs Share any worries or find out more about child Sign up on separate sheet Build up relationships on a 1 to 1, good reminder before they start school
Suggested entry into school: Starting school in September Week 1 – Home visits Week 2 and 3– mornings Week 4 and 5 – mornings and lunch (if ready) Week 6 – all day (if ready) See separate sheet Individuals Other Info: Pre-schools will send us information about your child before they start in September Key person to carry out pre- school visit
Other Useful Information Book bags Book bag for all children Bring to school everyday Reading book Diary Library book Key words Children’s work Sound books
Water bottles: Given out in September Named Home on Fridays, cleaned, refilled and back on Mondays Refilled at water fountain Further bottles and lids purchased from office Water available throughout day, especially after playtime, PE, etc Water only Forgot bottle – water fountain!
Milk Daily entitlement Delivered to school Carton with a straw Free until they are 5 years old Encouraged to drink it, not forced to drink it! Need to know about any milk/dairy/egg allergies
Fruit: Daily Delivered to school Encouraged to eat it, not forced Good variety Send your own Lunch box, container or foil in book bag
PE kits Named Pilmsols – summer term PE bag Kept on child’s peg Sent home every holiday Help your child to change in and out of uniform Try on PE clothes at home first Games, Gymnastics and Dance Hair up Watches off Earrings Inside and outside
And finally… Looking forward to meeting your child Meet the teacher – for parents of new children Any questions or queries – ring school School brochure