Ms. Whittet 3 rd grade
About Ms.Whittet I have 4 children and 2 grandsons. I am about to have a little granddaughter any day now! Yea!!! Jackie is 28, married and has two children. Sissy is 24. She works and lives in Granbury. Ross is 20 and is a basketball player for HPU. Chase is 16 and is the “Pirate” Mascot for GHS. Hayden is 6 and Parker-Pete is 2.
My Family and My Grandkids
Things I Love I love hanging out with my kids. I love playing with my grandsons. I love to travel to the beach or New York City. I love working in my flower beds and being outside. I love teaching!
What are the rules? Acton Elementary uses the same discipline plan throughout the whole school. Parents, please check the discipline sheet each night. It will be in the front of the purple take-home folder. The 10 school-wide rules are: 1. Show respect for others 2. Show respect for the school 3. Talks at appropriate times 4. Stay seated appropriately 5. Follow directions 6. Use appropriate language 7. Pay attention in class 8. Stay on task/work independently 9. Complete and return homework 10. Other… (recess, hallway, specials)
How will I be graded? Grades are earned accordingly: AGreat work! BGood, but you can do better! CNeed a little more practice DFix work and meet with me 59-lower FMeet with me Graded papers will be sent home once a week in the purple folder.
Ms. Whittet’s Expectations This classroom is a Safe Zone. No one is allowed to say anything ugly about you or to you while you are here. You are not allowed to talk about others, and others are not allowed to talk about you. You are free to ask/answer questions, share your feelings, and be your true self. If someone calls you a name or is negative to you, they will be asked to apologize and say three positive things about you. Everyone is expected to follow the procedures of the room. I am firm, fair and consistent. This will be the BEST year!
What will I Be Doing This Year? 3 rd Grade has a lot of fun activities.