INFO L APPEENRANTA Group 1: Sara Mostafshar Jesse Yli-Huumo
P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Lappeenranta is known for having lots of Russian tourists. Problem is the distribution of data to tourists about services in Lappeenranta. Russian people (and tourists in general) don't have any way to get information quickly about Lappeenranta and it's services.
V ISION S TATEMENT New application would make it easier for tourists to explore what is in Lappeenranta. For companies it would be easier to inform about their current services and sales. This new application would make more tourists interested about Lappeenranta
CompaniesTourists Receive data about users and feedback Updated information about goods and services Provide feedback about companies and services Receive data about goods and services infoLappeenrant a
BenefitsCosts Attract customers Build more industry Create more job Access information fast Software development Hardware Maintenance B ENEFITS & COSTS