AGROVOC in SKOS Tom Baker 13 April 2010
My “hats” As connsultant – Completing “autoevaluation” of FAO standardization activities, including AGROVOC – Will work with FAO team on modeling aspects of migration to SKOS Other roles – CIO, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative – Until August 2009, co-chaired W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group, which standardized SKOS – Currently organizing W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group
noun lexicalization domain concept maize has_synonym has_translation means12332 corn (en) maïs (fr) corn has_synonym means12332 maize (en) has_lexicalization sub_class_of has_synonym AGROVOC metamodel 2010 (simplified) rdf:type sub_class_of rdf:type Concept 6211 (Products) Concept 8171: (Plant products) Concept 1474: (Cereals) Concept 12332: (Maize)
skosxl:altLabel skosxl:prefLabel skos:broader SKOS Label skos:broader SKOS Concept rdf:type 6211 skos:broader Agrovoc Concept Scheme skos:topConceptOf skos:inScheme SKOS Concept Scheme rdf:type :bar :foo “corn” “maize” skosxl:literalForm rdf:type AGROVOC SKOS model (proposed)
“maize” has_synonym has_translation “corn” (en) “maïs” (fr) “corn” has_synonym“maize” (en) altLabel prefLabel broader has_synonym AGROVOC metamodel for brochures and interfaces broader Concept 6211: Products Concept 8171: Plant products Concept 1474: Cereals Concept 12332: Maize
Rationale for migrating to SKOS Abandons unique FAO vocabulary model metamodel) in favor of highly standardized model – Anticipated tool and software library support, so can push Workbench software development further out into the community – When converted to a SKOS basis, Workbench would be interesting to hundreds of other users for creating SKOS Concept Schemes SKOS-2009 supports Lexicalizations (Labels) as resources
SKOS-XL SKOS-XL extension: labels as resources Just 16 triples: – skosxl:Label owl:disjointWith skos:ConceptScheme. skosxl:Label owl:disjointWith skos:Concept. skosxl:Label owl:disjointWith skos:Collection. skosxl:Label rdf:type owl:Class. skosxl:altLabel rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty. skosxl:altLabel rdfs:range skosxl:Label. skosxl:hiddenLabel rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty. skosxl:hiddenLabel rdfs:range skosxl:Label. skosxl:labelRelation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty. skosxl:labelRelation rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. skosxl:labelRelation rdfs:domain skosxl:Label. skosxl:labelRelation rdfs:range skosxl:Label. skosxl:literalForm rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty. skosxl:literalForm rdfs:domain skosxl:Label. skosxl:prefLabel rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty. skosxl:prefLabel rdfs:range skosxl:Label.
How AGROVOC is actually used Highly engineered ontologies have not materialized – Agrovoc concepts for simpler purposes – portal navigation, learning (Agropedia), resource discovery – Several projects set out to build high-engineered ontologies and failed AGROVOC concepts function as quarry of building blocks for constructing local concept schemes
Minimal ontological commitment An ontology should require the minimal ontological commitment sufficient to support the intended knowledge sharing activities. An ontology should make as few claims as possible about the world being modeled, allowing the parties committed to the ontology freedom to specialize and instantiate the ontology as needed. Since ontological commitment is based on consistent use of vocabulary, ontological commitment can be minimized by specifying the weakest theory (allowing the most models) and defining only those terms that are essential to the communication of knowledge consistent with that theory. (Gruber 1994)
Ontologically weaker = better! Agrovoc is large, diverse, and multi-lingual. – Does not reflect a strong “point of view”, which is prerequisite for advanced ontological reasoning. – Better to model Agrovoc entities with a weaker ontological commitment (SKOS concepts) than with a strong ontological commitment (OWL classes). – Ontologically weaker definitions more apprropriate to multiple ways they are actually used Reusers of OWL classes downstream would inherit ontological baggage of OWL sub-class relationships SKOS Concepts does not preclude use of refined relationships (e.g., can also be transitive, inverse, symmetric) SKOS concepts can be upgraded to OWL classes in specialized, local ontologies SKOS concepts are easier to teach (capacity-building)
Consequences for Workbench Short term: no impact on software IF – User Interface of Workbench is consistent with AGROVOC/SKOS metamodel – Data of AGROVOC/SKOS representation can be exposed – correctly – as Linked Data Offer Ntriples, RDF/XML, and Turtle representations for download Note: iif necessary, n short term, could be simplified version of data! Long term – Ongoing software development will be more sustainable if it can leverage generic SKOS tools, interfaces, and software libraries under development
Solves problem of instances Currently, in AGROVOC/OWL-2006, “Ghana” is an OWL class There is nothing in SKOS data model that prevents an Instance from being considered a SKOS Concept Distinction between classes and instances is hard to teach (Gudrun) NeOn Project difficulties – Upgrading legacy thesauri (e.g., AFSA) to class hierarchies in order to map to AGROVOC – ripple effect of initial ontological overcommitment – Is a species of fish a “class” (and the actual individual fish are instances) or “instances” (as in statistical data)? – "The domain of interpretation of fisheries can contain entities as well as types of entities, and distinguishing them in a logically sound way would require a huge amount of fishery experts time, and only after they are organized in a team sided by ontology designers and are taught design tools adequately" (Caracciolo)
AGROVOC/OWL ,113,264 triples
Concept to label hasLexicalization hasMainLabel
Instance to Literal 107 instance-comment-literal 33 instance-first-literal instance-hasDateCreated-literal 4011 instance-hasDateLastUpdated-literal 22 instance-hasEditorialNote-literal 3268 instance-hasScopeNote-literal instance-hasStatus-literal 6362 instance-hasTermType-literal instance-hascodeagrovoc-literal 155 instance-hascodeiso3country-literal 739 instance-isPartOfSubvocabulary-literal instance-label-literal 1 instance-versionInfo-literal
Instance rdf:type other 3972 instance-rdftype-class 38 instance-rdftype-definition instance-rdftype-noun
AOS predicates aos-hasSynonym aos-other hasTranslation
RDF and OWL predicates 4 owl-oneOf 4 owl-unionOf 193 owl-inverseOf 12 rdf-first 45 rdf-rest 41 rdfs-domain 38 rdfs-range 216 rdfs-subPropertyOf 38 rdftype 273 rdftype-Property 3996 rdftype-owlClass – not more?? 3976 subClassOf 3972 subClassOf-owl-thing
“Agrovoc Concept Scheme” “Agrovoc Concept Server” is intended to refer to the quarry of concepts that users can mine as a foundation for building their own ontologies. However, “Server” evokes machines, applications, APIs… Why not “Agrovoc Concept Scheme”? (Same acronyms.) – SKOS concepts are designed to be reused and recombined in multiple concept schemes – perfect fit – Possibly de-emphasize the word “ontology” In terms of capacity building, OWL is more difficult to teach than SKOS
Form URIs and publish Linked Data Promote Agrovoc URIs for linked data – print on teeshirts? – with slash? – with hash? – minus version number? – minus aos? – Under own domain or using How to publish – RDF and HTML representations with content negotiation? – Publish embedding RDF representation within HTML page using RDFa?
Agrovoc mappings Guus Schreiber (paraphrased) – Every vocabulary has its own perspective. You can't just merge them. – But you can use vocabularies jointly by defining a limited set of links – “vocabulary alignment”. – Don't recreate – re-use, enrich, and align. – Beware of ontological over-commitment. – Specifying a data model in OWL does not make it an ontology. Suggest emphasis on mappings, expressed as linked data – Increases effective “range” of Agrovoc concepts – Suggests new impact indicators based on numbers of resources findable via Agrovoc concepts – both directly and indirectly, through mapping links to CABI, etc.
“maize” has_synonym has_translation “corn” (en) “maïs” (fr) “corn” has_synonym“maize” (en) altLabel prefLabel broader has_synonym AGROVOC Concept Scheme? broader Concept 6211: Products Concept 8171: Plant products Concept 1474: Cereals Concept 12332: Maize
AGROVOC model (2003)
Plant products (concept) Cereals (concept) Plant products (lexicalization) Cereals (lexicalization) Maize (concept) Maize (lexicalization) “Maize” (string) “Corn” (string) “Mais” (string, French)
Circa 2005 – String entity in light blue c_apple apple APL pomme c_fruit translation PMM red fruit synonym acronym aple spelling variant The modeling Distinction between Lexicalization and String
noun lexicalization domain concept means has_lexicalization maize has_synonym has_translation means12332 corn (en) maïs (fr) corn has_synonym means12332 maize (en) sub_class_of means has_lexicalization sub_class_of has_synonym Agrovoc OWL model as presented in 2005
noun lexicalization domain concept maize has_synonym has_translation means12332 corn (en) maïs (fr) corn has_synonym means12332 maize (en) has_lexicalization sub_class_of has_synonym Agrovoc OWL model – ver rdf:type sub_class_of 6211 sub_class_of rdf:type
noun lexicalization domain concept maize has_synonym has_translation means12332 corn (en) maïs (fr) corn has_synonym means12332 maize (en) has_lexicalization sub_class_of has_synonym Agrovoc OWL model – ver rdf:type sub_class_of rdf:type Concept 6211 (Products) Concept 8171: (Plant products) Concept 1474: (Cereals) Concept 12332: (Maize)
“maize” has_synonym has_translation “corn” (en) “maïs” (fr) “corn” has_synonym“maize” (en) has_lexicalization broader has_synonym Agrovoc model proposed for brochure broader Concept 6211: Products Concept 8171: Plant products Concept 1474: Cereals Concept 12332: Maize
:bar has_synonym has_translation skos:literalForm“maize” :foo maïs (fr) :foo has_synonym skos:literalForm“corn” :bar skosxl:altLabel skosxl:prefLabel skos:broader has_synonym SKOS Label AGROVOC in SKOS – ver 1 skos:broader SKOS Concept rdf:type 6211 skos:broader Agrovoc Concept Scheme skos:topConceptOfskos:inScheme SKOS Concept Scheme rdf:type
skosxl:altLabel skosxl:prefLabel skos:broader SKOS Label skos:broader SKOS Concept rdf:type 6211 skos:broader Agrovoc Concept Scheme skos:topConceptOf skos:inScheme SKOS Concept Scheme rdf:type :bar :foo “corn” “maize” skosxl:literalForm rdf:type AGROVOC OWL model – used in report