SARMa – Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management WP3/Activity 3.3 (Recycling) G.A. Blengini, E.Garbarino Politecnico di Torino 3-5 February 2010, Split, Croatia
Content of Presentation 1.Overview of Activity 3.3 (case studies & Questionnaires) 2.Synthesis of SDB-R & BSR-R questionnaires 3.Missing questionnaires / 2nd step update 4.Origin and overview of SQ-R questionnaire (activity 3.4) 5.Objective of SQ-R: update of EU «Aggregates case study» ( → … WP4)
Classification of recycling within SARMa (proposed) R1: Recycling of quarry/mine by-product, waste and residues R2: Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) R3: Recycling of excavated soils/rock from civil works R4: Recycling of industrial waste (i.e. slags from civil ferrous metal production, bottom ash from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration, ashes from coal combustion processes etc.)
Overview of Activity 3.3 (case studies & Questionnaires) SARMa PartnerCase studyType of recycling Associated extractive activity (status) Returned quest. (SDB-R / BSR-R) AL (METE)Bulqiza R1 (tailing re- processing) Chromium mine (active)NO / YES GR (IGME) VermioR1Dimension stoneNO / NO (ok) Vavdos/GerakiniR1Magnesite mineNO / NO (ok) MandalosR1 (low waste)Diabase aggr. (also 3.1)- AraxosR1 (zero waste)Limestone (also 3.1)- IT (RER/Parma) CastellaranoR2Sand & gravel (aband.)NO / NO CollecchioR2Sand & gravel (aband.)NO / NO RO (IGR/FGG) Moldova NouaR1?NO / NO DevaR1?NO / NO SI (GeoZS) V. PirešicaR2 + R3 +R4 Dolomite (active/aband.) YES / YES SežanaR2 + R3 Limestone (active/aband.) YES / YES DogošeR2 + R3 Sand & gravel (active/aband.) YES / YES Smarje-SapR2 + R3 Dolomite (active/aband.) YES / YES
BULQIZA - ALBANIA Re-treatment of chromium tailing from the dressing plant for the production of low chromiun concentrate and the remain as construction materials Non hazardous – mineral waste t/y
CASTELLARANO - ITALY R2: C&DW Stationary plant (R.O.S.E.)
COLLECCHIO - ITALY R2: road works Stationary plant
VELICA PIRESICA - SLOVENIA Dolomite quarry Recycling plant located in the abandoned part of the quarry R2: C&DW R3: rockwaste & soils from civil works R4: industrial waste Stationary plant t/y
SEZANA - SLOVENIA Limestone quarry R2: C&DW R3: rockwaste & soils from civil works Stationary plant t/y
DOGOSE - SLOVENIA Sand and gravel pit R2: C&DW R3: rockwaste & soils from civil works Stationary plant t/y
SMARJE SAP - SLOVENIA Dolomite quarry Recycling plant located in the abandoned part of the quarry R2: C&DW R3: rockwaste & soils from civil works Stationary plant t/y
3. Missing questionnaires / 2nd step update Received comments / proposed amendments from Jim O’ Brien (LATE IN JANUARY) SDB-R & BSR-R will be amended and sent back to involved partners for an update (February 20) Missing questionnaires must be sent ASAP in the amended version (March 10)
4. Origin and overview of SQ-R questionnaire 1.SARMa Questionnaire (SQ) was missing a part on Recycling » Activity 3.4 clearly makes reference to recycling 2.SQ-R is part of SQ »integration between quarrying & recycling »NO need of separate questionnaire? 3.SQ-R as similar as possible to SQ »merge SQ and SQ-R after Split meeting? 4.What should be the minimum target of SQ-R?
4. Origin and overview of SQ-R questionnaire WHO HAS RESPONDED? THERE ARE A LOT OF INCONSISTENCIES
Objective of SQ-R: update of EU Report «Aggregates case study»
Objective of SQ-R: update of EU Report «Aggregates case study»
Objective of SQ-R: update of EU Report «Aggregates case study» 2008 (…preparatory for WP4) 1.Supplying an update for Austria and Italy 2.Supplying a screening of SARMa countries that did not respond to EU in Supplying a screening of other SARMa countries
Missing questionnaires / 2nd step update Received comments / proposed amendments from Jim O’ Brien (LATE IN JANUARY) SQ-R will be amended and sent back to involved partners for an update (February) Missing questionnaires must be sent ASAP in the amended version (March)