R r as in rat (graph) rr as in worried (digraph) re as in remove (prefix) wr as in wrap (diagraph) rh as in rhyme (diagraph)
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 rat ran rig rip rot roof rose river radio rocket risk hurry ferry carry correct resign racket remember hurried horrible terrible wrong wrap written worried rodent realise receipt receive reserve reflect wheelbarrow wreckage wrestle wrinkle quarry rhyme rhubarb ravioli regulate quarrelling rhinoceros rhythm recruit rhapsody retell recall remain rewrite rebuild reappear remove rearrange reconsider reassure PREFIX – re reassemble reabsorb revise reorder reiterate repossess relapse reaccelerated reaccreditations reactivate
3 rodent reflect realise wheelbarrow receipt wreckage receive wrestle reserve wrinkle
4 quarry quarrelling rhyme rhinoceros rhubarb rhythm ravioli recruit regulate rhapsody
wheelbarrow wrinkle realise Handwriting / / /15 rr rr rr rr rr wheelbarrow wrinkle realise My mum uses anti ___ cream. 2. He didn’t _____ what he said. 3. She pushed bricks in her ___.
quarry ravioli quarrelling Handwriting / / /15 rr rr rr rr rr quarry ravioli quarrelling 1. Rocks are dug from the ____. 2. My grandma makes yummy ___. 3. Boys were _____ over the. soccer game.
an animal with strong front teeth rodent say spell RODENT an animal with strong front teeth r-o-d-e-n-t = 6 ro-dent = 2 sounds syllables
to grasp or understand clearly realise say spell REALISE to grasp or understand clearly r-ea-l-i-se = 5 re-al-ise = 3 sounds syllables
receipt RECEIPT re-ceipt = 2 r-e-ce-ipt = 4 say spell sounds syllables a written acknowledgment of having received a specified amount of money r-e-ce-ipt = 4 re-ceipt = 2 sounds syllables
to accept something offered, sent or given receive say spell RECEIVE to accept something offered, sent or given r-e-ce-i-ve = 5 re-ceive = 2 sounds syllables
to set aside for particular person to use reserve say spell RESERVE to set aside for particular person to use r-e-s-er-ve = 5 re-serve = 2 sounds syllables
reflect REFLECT re-flect = 2 r-e-f-l-e-c-t = 7 say spell sounds to cast back r-e-f-l-e-c-t = 7 re-flect = 2 sounds syllables
a small cart used for carrying loads in building work or gardening wheelbarrow say spell WHEELBARROW a small cart used for carrying loads in building work or gardening wh-ee-l-b-a-rr-ow = 7 wheel-bar-row=3 sounds syllables
the remains of something that has been damaged or destroyed wreckage say spell WRECKAGE the remains of something that has been damaged or destroyed wr-e-ck-age = 4 wreck-age =2 sounds syllables
to try to throw another person by gripping with hands wrestle say spell WRESTLE to try to throw another person by gripping with hands wr-e-s-tle = 4 wres-tle =2 sounds syllables
a small crease in the skin wrinkle say spell WRINKLE a small crease in the skin wr-i-n-k-le = 5 wrin-kle =2 sounds syllables
quarry QUARRY qu-a-rr-y = 4 say spell sounds syllables quar-ry = 2 a large, deep pit qu-a-rr-y = 4 quar-ry = 2 sounds syllables
words or phrases that end in the same sounds rhyme say spell RHYME words or phrases that end in the same sounds rh-y-me = 3 rhyme = 1 sounds syllables
a plant that has long, red and green stems that can be cooked rhubarb say spell RHUBARB a plant that has long, red and green stems that can be cooked rh-u-b-ar-b = 5 rhu-barb = 2 sounds syllables
small pasta envelopes filled with minced meat, cheese or vegetables ravioli say spell RAVIOLI small pasta envelopes filled with minced meat, cheese or vegetables r-a-v-i-o-l-i = 7 ra-vi-o-li = 4 sounds syllables
to bring under the control of law or authority regulate say spell REGULATE to bring under the control of law or authority r-e-g-u-l-a-te = 7 reg-u-late = 3 sounds syllables
quarrelling QUARRELING qu-a-rr-e-l-i-ng = 7 say spell sounds syllables to disagree angrily qu-a-rr-e-l-i-ng = 7 quar-rel-ing = 3 sounds syllables
a large animal with one or two horns on the nose rhinoceros say spell RHINOCEROS a large animal with one or two horns on the nose rh-i-n-o-c-er-o-s = 8 rhi-noc-er-os = 4 sounds syllables
a regular repeated pattern of sound or movement rhythm say spell RHYTHM a regular repeated pattern of sound or movement rh-y-th-m = 4 rhythm = 1 sounds syllables
to get someone to join something recruit say spell RECRUIT to get someone to join something r-e-c-r-ui-t = 6 re-cruit = 2 sounds syllables
emotional piece of music or literature rhapsody say spell RHAPSODY emotional piece of music or literature rh-a-p-s-o-d-y = 7 rhap-so-di = 3 sounds syllables
3 an animal with strong front teeth to grasp or understand clearly a written acknowledgment of having received money to accept something offered, sent or given to set aside for particular person to use to cast back a small cart used for carrying loads the remains of something that has been damaged to try to throw another person by gripping with hands a small crease in the skin
4 a large, deep pit words or phrases that end in the same sounds a plant that has long, red and green stems small pasta envelopes filled with minced meat, cheese or vegetables to bring under the control of law or authority to disagree angrily a large animal with one or two horns on the nose a regular repeated pattern of sound or movement to get someone to join something emotional piece of music or literature