ELI Beamlines & HiLASE International Marketing Strategies Aleš Hála Plovdiv, September 2015
Marketing targets Source: ELI Beamlines Application Potential Application areas assessment by Deloitte CZ
Marketing / PR Marketing X PR
Economic targets 10% of incomes from industry (ELI Beamlines) 20% (30%) from industry (HiLASE) Accommodate academic and industrial users Create industrial liaisons Maximize socio-economic impacts
Marketing mix Product Price Place Promotion
ELI Objectives Building the world's first international user laser facility with the state-of-the-art laser equipment Bringing new knowledge potentially useful in medical imaging and diagnostics, tool design, development and testing of new materials, X-ray optics, etc. Creating an attractive platform for educating a new generation of PhD. students, scientists and engineers
ELI Beamlines Research Areas Roentgen and gamma sources, laboratory astrophysics Proton accelerationElectron acceleration Nanotechnology and advanced materials Biology and biochemistry Medical diagnostics and treatment technology
High-tech industrial applications 15% Laser induced damage threshold measurement of optical materials Laser shock peening Compact X-ray sources for lithography Precise cutting, drilling and welding of special materials for automotive and aerospace industry Technology of laser micromachining Laser paint stripping, surface cleaning
Instrumentation (devices) In-house R&D outcomes (technologies, SW) User time (available from 2018) Outcomes to be marketed
Visualization One-pagers / leaflets / success stories Web page / FB, LinkedIn PR articles / newsletter Trade fairs, events Roadshows Marketing tools & Methods
Lasers for applications Technology of materials and structures Classical, Non-linear and Quantum Optics Visualization Research fields
Visualization Technologies Lasers induced damage treshold Single Crystal for the Large Laser Elements
One-pagers / leaflets
Industrial co-operations Development and optimization of laser marking process parameters for hot-dip galvanized steel Experimental verification of appropriate type of laser Laser cutting of fabrics and textiles and development of new processes Training on laser safety and methods for optics cleaning Optimization of laser welding process for automotive industry – laser welding of copper alloys Development of laser engraving for special materials – plastics, ceramics
Analysis of laser marking process – verification of depth and influence on the material structure Testing and development of a UV gas chromatograph Increase of accuracy and sensitivity of the device Testing of thin film coatings, used for optical components of high-power lasers Design of 3D laser heads models and system of their mounting to individual laser systems Industrial co-operations
PR articles
Events for industry
Science and Technology Advanced Region DOLNÍ BŘEŽANY HODKOVICE VESTEC CITT ELI I. II. Total EUR 500 mil.
Conclusion – issues to be addressed Different perception of science and its results (academia/industry) Intellectual property perception (academia/industry) EU/national legislation, public procurement law Marketing agency collaboration???
Thank you for your attention Aleš Hála Head of technology transfer and commercialisation unit