Comprehension Language: Creating and Using Sensory Images: K-1 Modeled I can almost (see, feel, taste, hear) it in my mind…because the illustrator shows (or- the words say) It’s like a movie in my head. I can (see, hear, feel)… I can picture, feel, hear, etc in my head… (Finish with “Good readers use all of their senses when they read to help create images in their head. Really seeing or hearing or feeling what is happening in the story helps us understand and remember what we read.) *(endings) MET/’08 Shared Close your eyes and listen to this part again. Picture, see, hear, etc…Can you see, hear, smell, etc, it? Use the words to make a picture… Who can explain what they see, feel, hear, etc? What part from the story did you use to create that image? Can you tell me how this makes you feel? Let’s draw what you pictured in your head. (Finish with “What part from the story helped you make that image? How does that help you understand better?) Guided Prep: Remember good readers are always making pictures in their heads as they read and use all of their senses. Don’t forget to do that as we read today. Prompt: What pictures are you seeing in your head? What senses helped you do that? Produce: Let’s tell about / draw the pictures you saw in your head as you read. (Have students describe their pictures. When appropriate ask what senses, or parts of the story helped) Reflect: How does using our senses and seeing pictures in our head help us be better readers? Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers
Comprehension Language: Creating and Using Images 2-3 Build on Language of K-1 Modeled This part / these words make me feel, smell, taste, hear… It’s like a movie in my head. I can (see, hear, feel)… This might (smell, taste) like… (This) allows me to understand how they might be feeling because I can feel that feeling too. (Finish with “Good readers use all of their senses when they read to help create images in their head. Really seeing or hearing or feeling what is happening in the story helps us understand and remember what we read.) MET/’08 Shared Close your eyes and listen to this part again. Picture, see, hear, etc…Can you see, hear, smell, etc, it? Is this part creating some images for you? Who can share? What part of the text helped you create that image? How did… make you feel? So how do you think this character is feeling? (Finish with “What part from the story helped you make that image? How does that help you understand better?) Guided Prep: Remember good readers let the author’s words and pictures help them create images in their mind using all of their senses. Don’t forget to do this as we read. Prompt: What images are you creating in your mind? What part of the text helped you create that image? Produce: Have groups share images and how they created them. On occasion drawing them is still helpful. Reflect: How did creating images help us while reading today? Don’t forget good readers do this every time they read. Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers
Comprehension Language: Creating and Using Images 4-6 Build on Language of 2-3 Modeled When I read this I feel, see, hear, smell… (This) allows me to understand how they might be feeling From the language the author used here I can create the image of…. The author must want me to see, hear taste, feel, smell because…(clues in book) Now my image is changing because…. I need to create an image here to help me understand this concept…. (Finish with “Good readers use all of their senses when they read to help create images in their head and change their images as the story unfolds) Really seeing or hearing or feeling what is happening in the story helps us understand and remember what we read.) *(ending) MET/’08 Shared What images are coming to mind for you here? What parts of the text did you use? Who can identify the descriptive language on this page the author used to help us create images? How did your image change here? (Finish with “How did creating images help us with our reading/) Guided Prep: Remember good readers let the author’s words and pictures help them create images in their mind using all of their senses. Don’t forget to do this as we read. Prompt: What images are you creating in your mind? What part of the text helped you create that image? Produce: Have groups share images and how they created them. (struggling readers may still benefit from drawing their images) Reflect: How did creating images help us while reading today? Don’t forget good readers do this every time they read. Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers