Hanen Building Emergent Literacy
What are emergent literacy skills? Conversation Vocabulary Story comprehension Language for thinking and learning Print Knowledge Phonological awareness
Turn book reading into a conversation Read with children not to children Turning book reading into a conversation. Observe Wait Listen Strive for 5 Ask questions/make comments
to build new vocabulary. Make words SPARKLE to build new vocabulary.
Select the right words Step it up…… “saturated” “soggy” “wet”
Make new words sparkle throughout the day!!
Characters Setting Problem Action Resolution Understanding the story behind the story. Characters Setting Problem Action Resolution
Using CASPR Use visual supports Making thinking out loud comments Questioning- Who? What? Where? When? Why? Tell me more… Highlight CSPAR in repeated readings
Help children use language to think and learn. E’s & P’s Explain Predict Experiences Pretend Emotions Problem Solve Evaluate Project Promote E’s and P’s in every day conversation
Print Knowledge POP Point Out Print Print is meaningful Books are used in a specific way Print includes letters, words, spaces and punctuation
What and how much to pop Front of book Title, author, illustrator Read left to right, top to bottom Speech balloons Illustrations Words, spaces Read print- not illustrations Letters Punctuation marks
Phonological Awareness Rhyming Alliteration Syllable Identification Initial sound identification Listen- Find One Like It
Weitzman and Greenberg 2010 “Studies show that children who participate frequently in extended conversations with adults have a better language and literacy outcomes”. Weitzman and Greenberg 2010