The Story of Abigail: Who Really Had A Heart After God’s Own Heart? 1 Samuel 25:2-13 1 Samuel 13:14
Because He Was Stubborn, Not Nabal! He wouldn’t listen to David (1 Samuel 25: 10-11) He wouldn’t listen to Abigail (1 Samuel 25: 19, 36) He wouldn’t listen to God (1 Samuel 25: 17, 25) Ephesians 4:26-27
Because He Was Angry, Not David! The reason for it (1 Samuel 25: 21-22) The reaction to it (1 Samuel 25: 13) The result of it (1 Samuel 25: 28-31 Proverbs 1:7
Because She Was Wise, Abigail! Her appraisal (1 Samuel 25: 14-20) Her appeal (1 Samuel 25: 23-31) Her achievement (1 Samuel 25: 32, 39-42) Romans 12:19-21
Because He Listened, David! To Abigail (1 Samuel 25: 32-35) To God (1 Samuel 25: 26) James 1:19-20