Joint Segment Item 1 Gender Equality in the Regional: Update on Regional Work and Support to Countries 17 December 2015 Istanbul, Turkey RCM and ECA Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Segment Item 1 Gender Equality in the Regional: Update on Regional Work and Support to Countries 17 December 2015 Istanbul, Turkey RCM and ECA Regional UNDG

Regional Working Group on Gender (RWGG): TOR  For endorsement by Regional Directors  Contribute and report to RCM and R-UNDG (including PAG)  Building on the regional partnership framework by UN Women, UNFPA and UNDP in 2015  10 member agencies (FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNECE, UNEP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, WHO) UNHCR to join to cover humanitarian aspects? (TBC by UNHCR)  Co-chaired by UN Women and UNFPA (until Sep. 2016) – rotational chairmanship  Quarterly Meetings 1st meeting held in October 2015 Next meeting in Q for implementation of joint work plan and consultation with GTG chairs from 18 countries  Communication and technical assistance via online Yammer platform among RWGG and GTG members

Key Findings from the questionnaire to GTGs Key Challenges  A lack of support, knowledge and/or residence from UNCTs to take twin-track approach of gender in CCA/UNDAF process  Gender Scorecard not being used by UNCT  GTG’s involvement varies (some are not active) in UNDAF planning and M&E process  Limited capacity of GTG: members are overstretched with limited (or no) funding specifically for GTG  No information sharing and learning across 18 GTGs  Need more practical guidance on SDGs and gender Suggestions from GTGs Communication from Regional Directors to RCs to ensure RCs’ commitment on gender work & use of Gender Scorecard More systematic capacity development of UNCTs & partners

RWGG: 2016 Work Plan 3 Priorities Information sharing with RCs/UNCTs on analysis on gender work Assessments of RC’s performance on gender by RDs (TBC by RDs) 1: Influencing the UN System (RCs/UNCTs) Support and monitor the deployment of UN gender experts from Regional TOT in November Community of Practice & follow up regularly 2: Strengthening SURGE capacity of UN gender experts Develop Regional policy briefs on SDGs/Gender and Istanbul Convention Ensure regional SDGs monitoring and accountability mechanism is gender sensitive with use of gender statistics 3: Regional Policy Briefs + SDGs monitoring & accountability mechanism Support required by RDs  Assessment of RCs’ performance on gender by RDs  Financial and technical contribution from 10 member agencies for 3 priorities  Co-funding a gender statistician in 2016 for Priority 3?

Training of Trainers (TOT) November  34 participants from 9 UN agencies across 18 countries  To increase the number of UN gender experts in UNDG Gender Roster to support UNCTs and GTGs in gender mainstreaming in SDGs monitoring process and CCA/UNDAFs as well as regional initiatives Next Steps 1) Chair of RUNDG send to inform RCs/UNCTs in this region (TBC) 2) TOT participants support UNCT and/or GTG in their own duty station 3) Participants will be added to UNDG Gender roster to support UNCTs/GTGs remotely or by mission (upon request) in other countries and regional initiatives 4) Regional Working Group on Gender to support and follow up regularly

Gender Analysis of 12 UNDAFs Key FindingsRecommendations Application of twin-track approach (gender focus & mainstreaming) in CCAs/UNDAFs varied across 12 countries  Need stronger commitment of RCs/UNCTs  Need stronger gender analysis in CCA as a base for UNDAF planning Outcome statement  50% gender specific/sensitive, but 28% gender blind At least one outcome statement should include specific behavioral change of rights- holders and/or duty-bearers to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment Outcome Indicators: Out of 510 outcome indicators  38% gender specific/sensitive and 23% gender blind  175 were possible to disaggregate data by sex, but 67 indicators our of 175 (38%) were disaggregated by sex.  A lack of gender statistics (ex: GBV/VAW)  At least one indicator per outcome should be gender specific or sensitive (including sex disaggregation)  Where possible/relevant, disaggregate baseline/target by sex to measure gender equality  Enhance national capacity on gender statistics and data (ex: GBV/VAW) Environment/DRR is weakest thematic area  6 out of 80 outcome indicators were gender sensitive (7.5%)  Weaker gender analysis in CCA  Need further collaboration with UNEP and UNDP at CCA and UNDAF drafting stages

Gender analysis of outcome indicators in 12 UNDAFs

Gender Scorecard  Completed GS before (50%) 9 countries have done 2 (Albania & Kosovo) completed in 2014 & the majority done around 2009  Currently Doing or Planning to do (44%) 4 (Macedonia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkey) conducting 4 (BiH, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine) plan in nd time exercise: 3 (BiH, Macedonia, Tajikistan)  Never done (22%) 4 (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Uzbekistan) Challenges: 1) A lack of ownership and willingness of UNCT to fund GS jointly 2) Implementation of GS recommendations by UNCTs is weak 3) GS does not match with UNDAF planning, monitoring and/or evaluation process → Updated tools & guidance later in 2016 based on the 2 nd Global Review

EVAW Global Conference 9-10 Dec 2015 Istanbul  Organized jointly by UN Women and UNFPA and hosted by the Turkish Government, with focus on the review of progress since the BPfA  Funded by the co-organizers, Swedish and Dutch Consulates in Istanbul  EDs of UNFPA and UN Women, the Turkish Prime Minister and Ministers and Deputy Ministers from 20 countries, experts, representatives of CSOs, international organizations  Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence was launched  Ministeral round table, plenary sessions and 6 world café discussions  Pledges and commitments by representatives of governments, CSOs, experts, academia, international organizations, including the UN

Update on Evaluation of UN Women contribution to UN Coordination on GEEW in the ECA Region  RCM/R-UNDG support to the process  Next steps including regioonal and country surveys Evaluation