Importance? Function How formed What factors influence formation and/or properties Particle size Which soil type is best for farming Qualities /properties: sand, silt, clay Porosity/permeability Leaching? Nutrients: 3 macronutrients? pH Erosion feel/texture Soil triangle What does color indicate
Describe each horizon/layer
Describe soil in following biomes Desert Grassland/Praire Tropical Rainforest Taiga/Coniferous/Boreal/Evergreen forest Deciduous/Temperate Forest
Causes Strategies to combat Golden Rice Main sources of calories worldwide Increasing meat consumption Maximize calories Trophic level Feed lots & Aquaculture Benefits / problems
Describe, benefits, problems Traditional / Subsistence farming Industrial / Conventional farming Organic Farming Genetic diversity Seed banks Green Revolution GMO Pros / cons Irrigation Types, problems Salinization waterlog
Conservation practices Contour, terracing, strip, shelterbelt, cover crop, no till, polyculture, intercropping, agro forestry, crop rotation, buffer zones Erosion Desertification Fertilizers Organic / synthetic
Pesticides Benefits / problems Resistance Pesticide treadmill Bioaccumlation / biomagnification IPM Describe / Goal Rachel Carson DDT EPA US Laws FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act) FFDCA (Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act) FQPA (Food Quality Protection Act) Stockholm Convention Dirty dozen
LD50 Risk Developed Developing Toxicity factors Children risk factor Antibiotic resistanc Synergistic / antagonistic
Biological Infectious diseases: Species barrier Chemical Mutagens, carcinogens, teratogens, neurotoxins Endocrine disrupters: BPA (bisphenol A, phthalates) Bhopal, India Cultural