William Liu Canadian Space Agency June 12, 2007, Uppsala, Sweden CSA Report to the 5 th ILWS Working Group Meeting
2 Agency Update New President appointed in April, after 17 months of vacancy Former CEO of Telesat Canada –A corporate approach to CSA –Look to change the CSA from a government department to a Crown corporation Major reorganization took place Program review under way Impact on space science unknown
3 Program Update THEMIS –Five THEMIS satellites successfully launched in February 2007 –15 of the 16 GBO in Canada operational –Tantalizing new results from 3-s auroral images –Look forward to the first winter conjunction starting in September
4 Program Update Canadian Geospace Monitoring –CSA remains committed to supporting ground- based observations –Renewal of the program through an AO this summer (for the next 5 years) –Closer links to space missions a key factor.
5 Program Update Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe –To be launched in the second half of 2008 –Up to 2-year mission in an elliptical 300 1500 km, 70º orbit to study Acceleration of ion outflow –O+ ions are a major factor in storms Thermal and secondary auroral electrons (up to 100 eV) Fast, DMSP-type, auroral imaging in IR/VIS Radio tomagraphy of the ionosphere with radio receiver, SuperDARN, beacon, and GPS occulation –One of the very few dedicated IT missions in the foreseeable future C/NOFS's low-latitude coverage complementary
6 Program Update Canadian EFI on SWARM –Three-satellite ESA mission to study geomagnetic field, –E-field measurement to remove geospace "noise" –Combined E and B instruments can measure the Poynting flux to W/m 2 accuracy –Constellation plus precision will Field-Aligned Current dynamics to be probed in greater detail –In conjunction with contempraneous magnetospheric missions, will open new doors on the MI coupling problem
7 Future Missions ORBITALS –A mission envisaged to complement RBSP –US instrument payload supported under NASA MOO –GTO orbit locked with CGSM array –Higher apogee (6 R E ) allows a mini-constellation with GOES E & W –Also conjunction with the inner 3 of THEMIS –If later-than-expected flight, conjunction with ERG possible
8 Future Missions Ravens/Kuafu –Canadian Ravens concept merged into Kuafu B under consideration by CNSA –A coordinated Sun-geospace imaging mission –More powerful imaging suite than IMAGE Higher time resolution (30s) Better spatial resolution (30 km) Spectral separation of LBHL and LBHH 24/7! –Powerful complement to contemporaneous missions (THEMIS, MMS, SWARM, RBSP, ORBITALS, as well as much enhanced GB arrays)
9 A Focus on Data Data –CSA data policy and strategy under development –Canadian-led virtual observatory GAIA is setting an example on how a ground-based VO can function and add value to research –Next phase of CGSM will chart the course on how a multi-instrument VO can be built –Data volume from GB instruments a challenge
10 ILWS The Canadian community has benefited greatly from ILWS Future emphasis will be on maximizing scientific return Importance of GB observation long recognized but value far from being exhausted ePOP and CEFI on SWARM also position the Canadian community at the forefront of IT science CSA is supporting Canadian participation in successful proposals to ESA Cosmic Vision CSA-NASA bilateral opened the door for further collaborations, with data as a key area of focus CSA interests in Kuafu and other research opportunities in China