Unit 3 Learning Styles and Kaplan Resources Kim Eastern, MBA CS119 – Academic Strategies
“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” A quote from Sara Caldwell
Let’s Reflect on Unit 2
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
S - specific, significant, stretching M - measurable, meaningful, motivational A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
Do you understand the concept of how to make a SMART Goal?
Vision Board Have you used a vision board as a daily reminder to focus on your goals?
Learning Styles
Your learning styles influences the way that you will learn. Your learning styles influence the way you will retain and recall the information that you study.
What is your learning style(s)?
Please click on this link and take the 5 minute quiz to find your learning style. Once you have completed the test rejoin the seminar. learning-styles-quiz
Now that you have taken the learning style test what did you learn? Any surprises?
Learning Styles Visual (Spatial) Aural (Auditory) Verbal (Linguistic) Physical (Kinesthetic) Logical (Mathematical) Social (Interpersonal) Solitary (Intrapersonal)
Visual (spatial) learners prefer graphs, pictures, and diagrams. They look for visual representations of information. Aural (auditory-musical) learners prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic) learners prefer to hear or read information. They look for explanations with words. You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
Physical (kinesthetic) learners prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical) learners prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal) learners prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal) learners prefer to work alone and use self-study.
Learning to Learn Four Steps to Learning Begin with the past Proceed to the present Consider the process Build in review
Study Aides Identify possible study aids Use Study Aids Create Your Own Study Aids Create a Relationship with your instructor or a support site for your courses Create Relationship with Classmates Use the Lassi Study Aids Module
Kaplan Resources
Kaplan Resources has a variety of resources that you will utilize throughout your academic journey. Please familiarize yourself with these resources in your respective Health Science Resource Room.
Discussion Question What were the results of your learning style activity? What are your top 2 or 3 dominant learning styles according to the inventory? What changes will you make to your study habits now that you have identified the way in which you learn most effectively (for ideas refer to chapter 12 in the Power Up text) and taking into consideration your strengths and limitations from the LASSI assessment (refer back to the seminar in unit 2 and your LASSI scores)?
Unit Three Unit 3: Learning Styles and Kaplan Resources Complete the Reading Complete Learning Activities Participate in the Discussion Attend the Seminar Complete Quiz 3
Quiz Review
1. Which of the following would be a study technique for a visual learner? Tape recording Using colored pens, pencils, or highlighters Walking while reading
2. A grouper is someone who: See all the details of each assignment May not see as many details as they need too
3. Shaina is not a morning person. It takes her a few hours in order to “wake up” and “get going”. She usually gets up about 8 AM. She also does not like staying up late at night and goes to bed around 11 PM. Her children get home from school at 3:30 PM, and then she helps them with homework and makes dinner. Shaina should schedule study time at what time in order to make the best use of time and learning styles? In the morning as soon as she wakes up About 2 AM About 12 noon At 4 PM
4. Cynthia is the type of learner who likes to work through problems using steps and a systemic approach. She likes to track her progress using numbers. She also likes to create procedures for others to follow and enjoys creating to do lists, agendas, and itineraries. According to the Learning Style Inventory that you took in Unit 3, Cynthia’s learning style would best fit? Visual Verbal Rational Logical
5. Twila is a physical learner. Which of the following study suggestions is the best one to recommend to her? Create many charts, graphs, pictures Read notes into a recorder and listen to them Create a game to learn the information and play it with other students Only study alone and never in a group
6. Mark’s scores on the Unit 3 Learning Style Inventory showed high scores on both solitary and social. What is the best possible explanation for this? The test is wrong. Mark answered the questions incorrectly. Some students can learn both by themselves and in study groups. Mark should use the one that was highest as that is his highest preference.
7. You are chatting with another student using instant messenger. The student writes that “this learning style stuff is useless”. What is your best response back to your classmate? “ You’re right, but we have to do it for a grade.” “Your learning styles guide the way that you learn so it can help you study more effectively.” “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the instructor?” “Learning styles change all the time so we have to keep reevaluating them.”
8. What learning style would describe Nate if he regularly uses phrases like “Help me understand this, Let’s work together on this, and Let’s explore our options.” Aural Physical Solitary Social
9. LaKeisha does not feel connected to the Kaplan Community. She feels isolated in the online environment. She can become connected in all the following ways except….. She can sign up for AOL instant messenger and talk to other students online She can start a study group and invite her classmates to join She can post more than the minimum posts on the discussion board to engage her fellow classmates She can skip the synchronous seminar and choose option 2
10. Where would you find the Kaplan Library? Under My Community on the Kaplan homepage Under course home in CS119 Under My studies on the Kaplan homepage Kaplan does not have a library