RISE!!!!!! A New Beginning in 2014!!
Our Identity and Mission We are…. Radical Individuals Shaping the Environment! Our mission…. To EMPOWER GOD’s PEOPLE To WORSHIP FREELY!!! “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NRSV)
Our RISE Directors Donta Hawkins Director of Music c.org Dr. Patrice E. Turner Artist in Residence
RISE Ministry Leaders Fred Jackson- Guide- Gina Green- Builder- Joshua Thomas-Builder – Brittney Stokes- Keeper- Michael Jenkins-Steward - Katrina Loftin- Business Manager- Julian Sapp/Tamish Bates- YAC choir directors-
RISE Section Leaders Sanctuary Choir Tiffany Foster- Soprano- Devonne Douglass- Alto- /Mechelle Jones- Tenor- Fred Jackson- Young Adult Choir Brittney Stokes-Soprano- / DesireeWiggins- Jasmine Borders-Alto - / Katrina Loftin- Brandon Richardson- Youth Choir- Syreena Howard-
Key Ministry Expectations Recognize vocal pitches, harmonize, blend, and retain the notes within his/her section; make it a priority to know vocal parts and lyrics. Tithe and give offerings consistently to the First Corinthian Baptist Church!! Attend Bible Study on Tuesday at noon or 7pm! Be humble in your heart, placing God and others before ourselves. Serve and sing passionately with pure hearts before the Lord. Submit to those in positions of spiritual authority. Maintain a loving and welcoming environment.
2014 Goals To Fellowship as One Ministry-RISE To Grow Spiritually Together To Be Better Ministers of Music- vocally and with more enthusiasm
Do’s Attend and come prepared for rehearsals- pencil, recorder, clear head, and spirit of worship. Be on time for Sunday Worship- call time is 7am. Worship services are 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30. Dress accordingly and appropriately as directed by leadership. Love and pray for one another!!!!!
We are a Family!! Love is the key, Communication is the way, and Trust is a must!