Conversion of Alkenes to Vicinal Halohydrins
Cl 2 anti addition: only product H2OH2OH2OH2O H2CH2CH2CH2C CH 2 BrCH 2 CH 2 OH + Br 2 H2OH2OH2OH2O (70%) Examples H H OHOHOHOH ClHH
+ Br.... Br.. :.. :.. O.. O + bromonium ion is intermediate water is nucleophile that attacks bromonium ion Mechanism
Cl 2 anti addition: only product H2OH2OH2OH2O H2CH2CH2CH2C CH 2 BrCH 2 CH 2 OH + Br 2 H2OH2OH2OH2O (70%) Examples H H OHOHOHOH ClHH
Cyclopentene + Cl 2
Chloronium ion
Water attacks chloronium ion from side opposite carbon-chlorine bond
trans-Stereochemistry in oxonium ion
(77%) H3CH3CH3CH3CC CH 2 H3CH3CH3CH3C CH 3 OH C CH 2 Br CH 3 Markovnikov's rule applied to halohydrin formation: the halogen adds to the carbon having the greater number of hydrogens. Br 2 H2OH2OH2OH2O Regioselectivity
CH 2 H3CH3CH3CH3C C H3CH3CH3CH3C Both transition states (showing the attack of water to either bridged carbon) are possible, since both carbons have carbocationic character. However, the more stable TS is the one which resembles the more stable (the more highly substituted) carbocation. H3CH3CH3CH3C CH 2 H3CH3CH3CH3C Br :: HO H .. Br ::HO H .. C Explanation