An Introduction to the Department and Safety Basics Malcolm Holley Department Superintendent
Department Safety Team Head of DepartmentProf Steve Ward Head of DepartmentProf Steve Ward Safety Liaison OfficerMr Malcolm Holley Safety Liaison OfficerMr Malcolm Holley GM & Microbiological Safety Mrs Jo Carter GM & Microbiological Safety Mrs Jo Carter Chemical Safety Dr Tim Woodman, Chemical Safety Dr Tim Woodman,
The legal bits. Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 CoSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 CoSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 DSEAR - Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Etc., etc.
The legal bits – concentrated. We have a duty to stop you getting into mischief and harming yourself and others, by education, safeguards & good working practises etc. We have a duty to stop you getting into mischief and harming yourself and others, by education, safeguards & good working practises etc. You have a duty not to get up to said mischief and harm yourself and others by following these processes and guidance etc. You have a duty not to get up to said mischief and harm yourself and others by following these processes and guidance etc.
Fire Leave via any exit Assembly Points Tested every Wednesday
Laboratory Fires Chemistry labs are highest Risk Areas Chemistry labs are highest Risk Areas Keep solvents to minimum Keep solvents to minimum Pyrophoric materials Pyrophoric materials and spontaneous ones Clutter Clutter Fire Fighting Fire Fighting
In–vacuation?! Alert to go and stay indoors Alert to go and stay indoors Campus wide warbler Campus wide warbler PC notifications PC notifications
Security Terrorism Terrorism - Potential source of materials - no visitors in labs or out-of-hours Theft - Theft - - PC’s & laptops Suspicious about someone or something? Suspicious about someone or something? - Challenge - Security 5349 or 666
General Lab Safety The Basics- Safety Notices inside lab doors Safety Notices inside lab doors No eating, drinking, smoking, etc. in any laboratory. No eating, drinking, smoking, etc. in any laboratory. If in Doubt ASK!!! If in Doubt ASK!!! Chemical Hazards Chemical Hazards Biological Hazards Biological Hazards Infection Infection Blood & human tissues Blood & human tissues GM work GM work Compressed gases – training Compressed gases – training Cryogenic gases - asphyxiation Cryogenic gases - asphyxiation Equipment – training, Equipment – training, no training then no touchy!! no training then no touchy!!
Know your signs
The 100% Rule If you’re not 100% sure DON’T do it. (please ask First)
John William Godward John William Godward
When things Go Wrong. This inevitably happens This inevitably happens Don’t Worry (too much) Don’t Worry (too much) People safety first. People safety first. Don’t brush under the carpet Don’t brush under the carpet Learn from the mistake/s Learn from the mistake/s Incident or near miss form Incident or near miss form
Your Health & Safety Allergies Allergies Changes to You Changes to You Breakfast Breakfast
Waste Disposal
Waste General – almost nothing goes down sink or into waste bins General – almost nothing goes down sink or into waste bins An approved route for almost anything An approved route for almost anything - Solvents -biologicals - isotopes Tissues – label if you want to keep them! Tissues – label if you want to keep them!
Doing our Bit to save the planet I Vast amount of energy used in the Vast amount of energy used in the University (£6m). University (£6m). Beer & Curry Competitions in residences. Beer & Curry Competitions in residences. Invest in a Vest Invest in a Vest
Doing our Bit to save the planet II Our most powerful weapon is ; Our most powerful weapon is ; Labs – Fume cupboards. Labs – Fume cupboards. “Sash Down or Pants Down - “Sash Down or Pants Down - your Choice!”
Out of Hours Access Card required after 18:30 and until Card required after 18:30 and until See Jo in 5W 3.39 to add you to access See Jo in 5W 3.39 to add you to access Weekends card always required Weekends card always required Signing in book, foyer. Signing in book, foyer. Security Office x 5349 or 666 Security Office x 5349 or 666 Keep the Doors shut. Keep the Doors shut. Don’t let anyone in you don’t know. Don’t let anyone in you don’t know.
Summary Know emergency procedures Know emergency procedures Always follow safe laboratory practis Always follow safe laboratory practis Talk to your supervisor or group head Talk to your supervisor or group head Read manuals Read manuals Read and make assessments Read and make assessments Know safe contacts. Know safe contacts. If in Doubt ASK!!!!!
About 4 – 7 years from Now? University of Bath Ph. D.