Task 1. Reduction of the prevalence of the infectious diseases. Considerable reduction of the prevalence of the infectious diseases must happen till 2020 due to the systematic programs of the partial and complete liquidation, and also due to the fight against the infectious diseases, which are a great problem for the community health care.
It foresees: in relation to liquidation of the infectious diseases - to liquidate in poliomyelitis, stupor of babies, measles; in relation to the fight against the infectious diseases - to decrease considerably the prevalence of diphtheria, hepatitis, epidemic parotitis, whooping-cough, that infections of Haemophilus influenzae type of В, inborn Syphilis, inborn measles, malaria, AIDS, infections, that are passed in a sexual way, tuberculosis, and also sharp respirator and diarrhoea infections.
Task 10. Healthy and safe environment. Till to 2015 the population of the Region must live in the conditions of the safe physical environment, not be under the influence of the contaminators, which are dangerous for a health at the levels, that exceed the international standards.
It foresees: considerable reduction of the influence of physical, microbial and chemical contaminators which make a threat for a health, in a water and air environment, and also in wastes and soil in accordance with the graphic and control numbers, determined in the national plans of actions of the hygiene of environment; providing of general access of the population to the sufficient supplies of drinking-water of satisfactory quality.
Task 11. More healthy way of life. Till to 2015 the people in all the layers of society must adopt more healthy way of life.
It foresees: strengthening of forms of a healthy conduct in such branches as a feed, physical activity and sex appeal; expansion of the access, increase of the financial possibilities and availability of useful to the health and safe food products.
Task 13. Conditions of a healthy environment. Till to 2015 the population of the Region must have better positions in order to be in a healthy physical and social environment at home, at school, on a workplace and in a local community.
It foresees: rise of safety and quality of the housing conditions; increase of the possibilities for invalids in relation to valuable life; reduction of accidents and professional diseases; creation of the conditions for the so fours stay of children in preschools, oriented to strengthening of health and at schools, which are instrumental in strengthening of health; not less the half of cities and communities must become the active members of the network of "healthy cities" and "healthy communities"; not less than 10 % of large and middle companies must take the obligation to follow the principles of "healthy" companies (enterprises).
Notion "Sanitary-epidemiologic business" includes: state and public antiepidemiologic, sanitary-hygienic and health measures; sanitary legislation; practical activity of organs and establishments of the state sanitary-epidemiologic service of Ukraine; scientific research works from a hygiene, epidemiology, organizations of sanitary- epidemiologic business; system of preparation, in-plant training of sanitary shots, preparation of workers of medical network on the questions of epidemiology and hygiene; hygienical education of population.
State character of sanitary-epidemiologic activity. This principle is defined in legislative documents, due to which sanitary- hygienic and sanitary-antiepidemic norms and rules are obligatory for all departments and services. Any measures related to the defence of health of the population must be carried out with participation of the state sanitary-epidemiologic service.
Scientifically-planned basis of sanitary- hygienic and sanitary-antiepidemic measures, includes research of influence of different factors of external environment on a human’s health, societies and development of the proper measures, norms and rules directed on providing of the proper conditions of life and labour. All these measures are carried out in the planned order.
Thank you!