Chapter 5 Review French and Indian War to Beginning of Revolution
Writs of assistance- court orders that allowed searches by officials without saying what they were looking for French and Indian War Causes over land in the Ohio Valley Results France lost all territory to England
Proclamation of Closed the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains to settlement Battle of Quebec- turning point in war allowing for British victory Pontiac’s War – Ottawa chief that organized an alliance of native Americans to stop movement west by settlers
Alliance-agreement between nations or groups to help each other against another nation or group Stamp Act (1765).laws passed that taxed printed materials in the colonies General William Braddock-led British forces in French and Indian war was defeated at battle of Ft Duquene Albany Plan Franklin proposal of unification of the colonies for defense
Effigies-figure created to be burned in protest of taxes Boycott-refusal to buy goods Duty- a tax Repeal- to remove
Declaratory act- after repeal of stamp act the parliament passed this law to show they had a right to tax colonies if they chose to Quartering Act- required housing of British soldiers by colonists Boston massacre- British soldiers responded to harassment and protest by colonists in Boston by firing on and killing several citizens
Committees of correspondence –Group that was to keep the colonies informed as to the actions of the British Tea act and tea party-tax on tea and the protest by Sons of Liberty that dumped tea into the Boston Harbor Intolerable acts –response by British Parliament to Tea Party that included closing the port of Boston, Suspending the colonial governments and the Quebec Act that gave land in the west to Canada and further closed the west to settlement \
Continental Congress- First met in Sept of 1774 with these results a. Continued boycott of British goods, Organize militia to protect against British Army,repeal of Intolerable acts Minutemen-colonial soldiers ready to fight at a minutes notice Paul Revere and William Dawes- Messengers that rode throughout the coutryside to warn of British movement
Blockade- use of navy to close the ports and prevent good or people from getting in or out of colonies Mercenary- hired soldiers from foreign countries Lexington, Massachusetts-April first Battle of Revolutionary war
Fort Ticonderoga critical battle in which colonist were able to get need cannon that would take Boston & key location on the way to Canada Battle of Bunker Hill –Loss by Colonists that showed the colonists could fight with the British
Patriots- those willing to fight for independence Loyalists or tories- those loyal to British Olive Branch Petition-Message sent to the King in hopes that he would bring a peaceful end to fighting and return to a time of lesser taxes and restrictions