Presented by: Rhonda Bielawski Shannon Connor Diane Feliciani Bryan Kiggins Jennifer Rosato
Redistricting College Applications Scheduling Update Archiving Transcripts Crisis Response Meeting with Elementary Principals
Academic Counseling The School Counselors will educate all students and parents about the realities of post-secondary options linking to individual academic achievement.
Update on Academic Counseling Goal: 11 th grade individual meetings College Information Night Financial Aid Evening 9 th and 10 th grade transcript/credit meetings Technical School Presentation 8 to 9 Transition Meeting Elementary career portfolio lesson on goal setting
Personal Social Counseling The School Counselors will help each student explore and investigate his/her passion.
Update on Personal Social Counseling Goal: “Finding Your Spark” discussions and elementary Career Portfolio lessons Addition of Career Clusters for 5 th graders Bridges in 6 th and 7 th grade Interest Inventories and Skills/Ability Assessments MMS piloting the “one minute meeting” for 7 th grade 8 th grade had guest speakers on Careers 9 th and 10 th addition of post-secondary exploration through the Bridges Program 11 th grade individual meetings
Career Counseling The Advisory Council will develop a professional network to provide shadowing opportunities and internships for all 11 th grade students.
Update on Career Counseling Goal: Junior survey Meeting with Dr. Andreyko Meeting with English teachers Communication with other districts Investigated other options Update on liability
Update on Career Counseling Goal: Junior survey Meeting with Dr. Andreyko Meeting with English teachers Communication with other districts Investigated other options Update on liability
Break into assigned small groups Assign group note taker/reporter Brainstorm ideas for new Advisory Council goals Generate ideas from your stake holder role Rank your ideas in order of importance Share ideas with large group
Business Owners & College Reps AdministrationParentsCurrent & Former Students Teachers & Counselors Mr. Baierl Dr. Herring-White Dr. Potter Ms. Schmiedecke Mr. Jankowski Ms. McCaskill Mr. Sieminski Mr. Young Ms. Maximo Dr. Hyland Dr. Harding Mr. Delp Ms. Fields Dr. Bradley Ms. Matheison Mr. Shimko Mrs. Pottmeyer Mrs. Kovalchik Dr. Greenberg Mrs. Smay Mr. Golden E. Pucciarelli N. Sciarrappa M. Badaczewski T. Wright E. Sansosti C. Traversari R. Liebenguth Ms. Holland Ms. Vadnais Ms. Stackhouse Ms. Earley Mr. Longo Ms. Vano Mr. Truesdell Ms. Keats Ms. Zylinski Ms. Daniels
Academic Counseling The School Counselors will educate all students and parents about the realities of post-secondary options linking to individual academic achievement. Personal Social Counseling The School Counselors will help each student explore and investigate his/her passion. Career Counseling The Advisory Council will develop a professional network to provide shadowing opportunities and internships for all 11 th grade students.
Evaluation Fall meeting, 2014 – Date & Location TBD Breakfast & networking Review new goals and create action plans for achieving them