The Standard Circuit AIM OBJECTIVES To Learn how to Take-Off, Fly a Standard Circuit & Land OBJECTIVES Describe the key points in the circuit Demonstrate a take-off, circuit and landing Explain the checks, drills and procedures Airmanship
The Standard (Left Hand) Circuit 30° Bank Turn Pre-Land Checks R/T Call 30° Bank Turn Lookout (traffic) DOWNWIND Set up App Cfg BASE LEG Climb to circuit height (1000’AAL) CROSS-WIND FINAL Lookout (traffic) Turn Cross Wind (500’ AAL) Turn Final (5-600’ AAL) R/T Call Rest of Flap, Carb Heat After T/O Checks @ 300’ AAL After T/O Checks : Flaps up, T&P’s in the green Pre-Land Checks : Brakes Undercarriage Mixture Fuel Instruments CarbHeat Hatches Harness (BUMFICHH) Set up Landing Cfg : Carb Heat, Power, VFE & Flaps – aim for steady descent @ 70 kts
Be Wind Aware at all times Quicker down wind Compensate (steer to left) Compensate (steer to right)
Be Wind Aware at all times Quicker down wind Compensate (steer to left) Compensate (steer to left) Compensate (steer to right)
Be Wind Aware at all times Quicker down wind Compensate (steer to right) Compensate (steer to left) Compensate (steer to right)
Be Wind Aware at all times Stick to driving cars !!!
The Standard Circuit Lets Re-Cap Airmanship Basic circuit pattern : Climb Out, Cross Wind, Down Wind, Base Leg, Final Airmanship Keep a good LOOKOUT Checks and Checklists R/T (What to do when the radio is busy) Traffic Awareness – spacing (joining the circuit) Local Restrictions (Noise Abatement ?) Kiuyiuytgiuyg Kuyikyu Lets go do it !!