120 Newton’s Law Writing 119 12/5/2014 Starter/Practice: 12/5/2014 Newton’s Law Writing Application/Connection/Exit : Write on opposite page. You must.


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Presentation transcript:

120 Newton’s Law Writing /5/2014 Starter/Practice: 12/5/2014 Newton’s Law Writing Application/Connection/Exit : Write on opposite page. You must write a minimum of 3/4 a page. Explain Newtons 3 laws apply to Basketball. Give two examples for each law. Writing starter: Newtons ______ law applies to basketball because………….. Quiz

December 5, 2014 AGENDA 8.6 C December 5, 2014 AGENDA 8.6 C Students will investigate and describe applications of Newton’s third law of action-reaction by reading and writing during an activity. 1 Quiz 2. Writing

DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 11/3 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Notes /4 Speed and Velocity Lab /5 Interpreting Graphs /6 Walking Lab II with graphing /10 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces /12 Newtons 1 st Law /13 Newton’s First Law Lab /14 Newton’s First Law Writing /17 CBA review /19 Newton’s First Law Lab # /20 Newton’s Second Law /21 Newton’s Second Law Writing /1 Newton’s Second Law Lab /2 Newtons Second Law Ws /3 Newton’s Second Law Lab # /4 Newton’s Third Law Notes /5 Newton’s Laws Writing

120 Newton’s Law Writing /5/2014 Starter/Practice: 12/5/2014 Newton’s Law Writing Application/Connection/Exit : Write on opposite page. You must write a minimum of 3/4 a page. Explain Newtons 3 laws apply to Basketball. Give two examples for each law. Writing starter: Newtons ______ law applies to basketball because………….. Quiz