The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010) Mette L. Wilkie, FAO
Recent events and activities COFO (March 2007) Reporting tables, specifications, guidelines, terms & definitions (E/F/S/A/R) Nomination of National Correspondents and Alternates (175 countries) Pre-filling of reports with FRA 2005 data Global meeting/launch of FRA 2010 Meeting of Advisory Group First regional workshop (Pacific)
Recent events and activities Fund raising & hiring of staff Coordinator of Remote Sensing Survey Software development Remote Sensing Task Force Input to State of Europe’s Forests 2007 Influencing REDD discussions Outreach - incl. educational material, World Mapper and Vital Forest Graphics Strategy for FAO Forestry Department Evaluation of FAO’s work in statistics
FRA 2010 Guidance from Kotka V: Thematic elements of SFM Inputs to CBD Target 2010 Global remote sensing survey National correspondents Harmonization of reporting Guidance from COFO: Endorsement of Kotka V UNFF Global Objectives Kotka V
Meeting the needs of CBD (1) Trends in: 1.The extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats 2.Coverage of protected areas 3.Abundance & distribution of selected species 4.Status of threatened species
Protection of soil and water Production 34% 9% 11%4% 34% 8% Conservation of biodiversity Recreation and education Multiple use Unknown function
Meeting the needs of CBD (2) 5.Genetic diversity 6.Invasive alien species 7.Area of forest ecosystems under sustainable management 8.Proportion of (wood) products derived from sustainable sources 9.Connectivity/fragmentation of ecosystems
UNFF Global Objectives (1) 1.Reverse the loss of forest cover through sustainable forest management, protection, restoration, afforestation and reforestation and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation 2.Enhance forest-based economic, social and environmental benefits
UNFF Global Objectives (1) 3.Increase the area of protected forests and other areas of sustainably managed forests, as well as the proportion of forest products from sustainably managed forests 4.Reverse the decline in official development assistance and mobilize new and additional financial resources
FRA 2010 Country reports Remote sensing survey Special studies External data providers
Country Reports T 1Extent of forest and other wooded land T 2Forest ownership and management rights T 3Forest designation and management T 4Forest characteristics T 5Forest establishment and regeneration T 6Growing stock T 7Biomass stock T 8Carbon stock T 9Forest fires T 10Other disturbances affecting forest health and vitality T 11Wood removal and value of removal T 12NWFP removal and value of removal T 13Employment T 14Policy and legal framework T 15Institutional framework T 16Education and research T 17Public revenue collection and expenditure
Remote sensing survey Distribution of forests Trend statistics Regional, biome & global level
Distribution of forests
Trend statistics
Special studies Forest fragmentation and degradation Forest genetic resources Trees outside forests Forest policies and institutions Non-wood forest products Forest employment and livelihoods
Forest degradation Broad definition, not operational Many perceptions and view points Identification of parameters Documentation of existing - and promising potential - monitoring methods Technical review (January 2009) Sharing of knowledge
Possible parameters Fragmentation Change within the forest: naturalness, structure; crown cover; species composition; stocking Reduction of capacity to provide: Goods; services; carbon stocks; other functions Time scale: specified duration Cause: human-induced; natural Reference state: natural forest site; carbon stock at initial date...
Area of forest under SFM Forest areas that fulfill any of the following conditions: i. have been independently certified or in which progress towards certification is being made; ii. have fully developed, long-term (ten years or more) forest management plans with firm information that these plans are being implemented effectively; iii. are considered as model forest units in their country and information is available on the quality of management;
Area of forest under SFM iv.are community-based forest management units with secure tenure for which the quality of management is known to be of high standard; v.are protected areas with secure boundaries and a management plan that are generally considered in the country and by other observers to be well managed and that are not under significant threat from destructive agents.
Area of forest under SFM Forest areas that fulfill any of the following conditions: i. independently certified; ii. long-term forest management plans being implemented effectively; iii. model forest units; iv. well-managed community forests; v. protected areas with secure boundaries and a good management plan
Partners 235 countries and territories 175 National Correspondents Regular contacts Regional networks
Next steps : Regional workshops (country reports and remote sensing) and bulk of work for countries 2010: Release of Key Findings; Report preparation & dissemination 2011: Final report from global remote sensing survey