Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain Chapter 4
Evolutionary Influences Taste To what extend do you agree with the notion that taste is largely a function of evolutionary forces? What would be a competing explanation? Assuming some degree of validity of evolutionary influence on our taste, how has our tastes developed from the hunter- gatherer phase of humanity NOT been beneficial to modern man?
Evolutionary Forces Psychology To what extent do you think that evolutionary forces have influences have shaped our capacity to think and influenced what thoughts we have? How can our thoughts be survival mechanisms? Blank Slate Myth Intentions Faces Babbling Over the Shoulder Social Reasoning Card Test
Instincts Definition Instinct Blindness Historical Perspective Distinguishing from learned behavior P. 80 = list of instincts How has your perception of beauty changes with this chapter’s examination of physical beauty? “Form reflects Function” To what extent does this assertion agree with our class discussion on beauty? To what extent have you experienced the “glimpse effect?” Good from far; far from good. Sniffing genetic diversity
Reality Electromagnetic Energy Waves Humans & Control of Evolution (Ted Talk) The reality we know Red? What confines our perception of reality? Synethesia