International Operations Quarterly Update: Q3 & 9M Soaps Hair Colours Liquid Detergents Toiletries
Contents Performance Highlights - Consolidated Business Review - Domestic GCPL Financials & Ratios - Stand Alone International Operations.
Performance Highlights Consolidated
Financial Highlights - Consolidated
Ratios - Consolidated ConsolidatedQ3 0809Q M 08099M 0708 A&P / Sales8% PBDIT / Sales15%21%14%19% PBT / Sales14%19%13%17% PAT / Sales12%16%11%14%
Business Review - Domestic Q3 FY
Q3 FY Scenario: Domestic Industry Scenario –FMCG sector growth continues to be strong –Strong GDP growth & good economic fundamentals –Vegetable oil prices show declining trend –Rupee weakened versus the USD The Company has one business segment in which it operates viz. Personal & Household Care GCPL Performance Industry Growth (AC Nielsen Off Take) GCPL Standalone (Sales Growth) Q3 ‘0809 Toilet Soaps21%22% Hair Colours25%14% *Off take in value MRP
Sales Growth (Standalone)
Q3 Highlights Key initiatives during Q3 FY 0809 Soaps –Market share for Q3 FY 0809 is 9.7%. –Godrej No.1 – Strawberry & Walnut launched Hair Colours –Market share for Q3 FY 0809 is 32.4%. Liquid Detergents –Market share for Q3 FY 0809 is 81.3%.
Soaps - Revenue & Market Share Source: AC Nielsen data % for All India value MS Market Share is 9.7% for Q
Hair Colours - Revenue & Market Share Market Share is 32.4% for Q Source: AC Nielsen data % for All India value MS
Liquid Detergents - Revenue & Market Share Market Share is 81.3% for Q Source: AC Nielsen data % for All India value MS
Financials & Ratios GCPL Standalone
Financial Highlights - Standalone
Q3 FY Sales Mix (Standalone)
Dividend – Q3 FY Q3 Dividend announced Dividend per Share Re. 1 Dividend 100 % Total outlay Rs.30.2 crore (including tax on distributed profits) Dividend 250% till date for Dividend payout 72% YTD PAT (Standalone)
Balance Sheet (Standalone) Liabilities (Rs. Crore) 31-Dec-08 Net Worth Other Liabilities49.02 Total Assets (Rs. Crore) 31-Dec-08 Net Fixed Assets Investment in Subsidiaries87.35 Investment – Other Cash & Bank Balance Net Current Assets10.27 Total *Includes Capital Work in Progress & Capital Advances
Funds Flow (Standalone) Q (Rs. Crore) SOURCES Internal Accruals Investment redemption Cash & Bank Total57.71 APPLICATIONS Repayment of Loan15.93 Investment in subsidiaries3.25 Working capital changes Buyback of shares Dividend payout – Q2 FY Total57.71
Cost Structure (Standalone) Amount in Rs. Crore Q % of Sales Q % of Sales 9M 0809 % of Sales 9M 0708 % of Sales Materials Cost % % % % Staff Cost10.754%13.666%41.515%40.046% Depreciation3.441%3.922%11.501%11.902% Advertisement18.907%14.816%51.676%42.376% Other Expenses % % % % Interest & Fin. Charges (7.47)(3%)1.961%(17.93)(2%)6.661% Provision for Taxation 5.982%5.853%16.442%15.352% PAT % % % % Net Sales % % % %
Ratios - Standalone Q3 0809Q M 08099M 0708 A&P / Sales PBDIT / Sales 7% 15% 6% 23% 6% 14% 6% 21% PBT / Sales16%21%15%19% PAT / Sales14%18%13%16% NWC / Sales (days)(6)(14)(6)(14) Fixed Asset TO Ratio ROCE24%68%22%61% RONW27%91%25%81%
Recent Events / Recognitions GCPL has been ranked 6th in the “Best Companies to Work for in India” survey done by Mercer Consulting and Business Today. GCPL announced the buyback of its fully paid up equity shares of FV Re.1 up to 17,203,533 equity shares (minimum number 250,000 equity shares) at a price not exceeding Rs.150 per equity share.
International Operations Kinky Group Proprietary Ltd. Godrej Global Middle East FZE
Godrej Consumer Products Mauritius Ltd- Performance (Holding company of Kinky Group (Pty) Ltd) ** After accounting for finance cost of acquisition Date of Acquisition: 01-Apr-2008 Rs. CroreQ M 0809 Total Income PBIT Interest PBT Tax PAT(0.32)(0.38) Kinky opened 5 new stores in Q , taking the total number of stores to 22.
Godrej Netherlands BV- Consolidated * Performance ** After accounting for finance cost of acquisition Date of Acquisition: 31-Oct-2005 Rs. CroreQ3 0809Q M 08099M 0708 Total Income PBIT Interest PBT Tax PAT
Rapidol Pty Ltd-Performance Rs. Crore Q3 0809Q M 08099M 0708 Total Income PBIT PBT Tax PAT # After accounting for finance cost of acquisition Date of Acquisition: 01-Sep-2006
Godrej Global Middle East (GGME) Rs. CroreQ3 0809Q M 0809 Total Income PBIT Interest PBT Tax--- PAT * Represents the performance of the business w.e.f October 1, 2007 Date of Acquisition: 01-Oct-2007
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