278 Q: What three main underlying causes of crime are the Scottish government trying to tackle? A: The three areas are drink, drugs and deprivation. 277 Q: Same-sex couples in Scotland can currently enter into a civil partnership. When will same-sex couples be legally allowed to marry? A: As of 2015 same-sex marriage will be legalised. 276 Q: At what age is it legal to drink alcohol in Scotland? A: At 18 years old you are allowed to drink alcohol in society. 275 Q: What is the current (2013) minimum wage for over 21 year olds? A: The minimum wage for 21+ in 2013 was £ Q: At what age can you get married in Scotland? A: You can get married at 16 years old but can't get divorced until you are Q: What is the role of the NHS (National health service) in Scotland? A: The NHS aims to improve the health of everybody living in Scotland and tackling health inequalities by providing free healthcare. 272 Q: What election in 2014 was the voting age lowered to 16 for? A: The Scottish government lowered the voting age for the Scottish independence referendum to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote too. 271 Q: Who pays for Scottish students university fees when they study at a Scottish university? A: The Scottish government pays for Scottish students fees through the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) Society
280 Q: How many people migrate from Scotland annually? A: In migrants per 1,000 migrated from Scotland 279 Q: What is the current (2013) birth rate in Scotland? A: 11.3 births per 1000 of the population Society