ECS and LS Update Xavier Vilasís-Cardona Calo Meeting - Xvc1
Update… stay tuned Short term plans –Full backup of all PVSS projects Done –Online systems for the calorimeter is in principle up and should be operational Main changes in ECS during LS1 –Hardware architecture Move to virtual Machines : not yet defined New SPECS Masters –Tests on Calorimeter : end of April beginning of May –Software Clara reports first user machines migration around end May beginning of June Calo Meeting - Xvc 2
BACKUP Calo Meeting - Xvc3
Main changes in ECS along LS1 Hardware –To be described later Software –Operating systems moving to 64 bits (only) Linux SLC6 Windows Server 2008 R2 –PVSS ETM has been bought by SIEMENS SIEMENS will base their SCADA system in PVSS so PVSS becomes WIN-CC OA Old and New version projects can live together and work See Clara’s presentation for further details Calo Meeting - Xvc 4
Current Hardware Structure Calo Meeting - Xvc 5
New Hardware Structure Calo Meeting - Xvc 6
New SPECS (taken from CLARA) 7 Fan ❚ Preliminary … ❚ Run Specs Server in CCPC ❚ PVSS Project in Control PC Sub Detector Master cards Master Ports New Modules ECAL6222 HCAL271 PRS Calo Meeting - Xvc
Ethernet to USB (from Clara) 8 ❚ Simplified block diagram - Preliminary … ❚ Use PVSS “Scattered” Systems: ❚ Run OPC Server & PVSS OPC Client in each CCPC ❚ PVSS Project away on Control PC Calo Meeting - Xvc
ECS Interfaces (from Clara) Effects on Hardware Interfaces –In general for HW access from virtual machines: ❙ Separate the HW access & the supervisory layer ➨ By making more use of scattered projects / distributed DIM Servers… –Software: New 64 bit OSs: New drivers (SPECS, Systec) New OPC Servers: –CAEN, WIENER, ISEG, ELMB ➨ Working versions exist Calo Meeting - Xvc
Migration Strategy (from Clara) Procedure (draft): –Keep the old PCs up. –Copy project to new machine –“Upgrade” Project –Test project ➨ We will try to create tools to ease the procedure and of course document the exact detailed procedure to follow. 10 To be done by Sub-system Teams Calo Meeting - Xvc
Migration Strategy (detail) (from Clara) Current plan: –Old PCs will be renamed prefix with “old” Ex.: r2dcs02w (running Windows 2003 SP2, PVSS 3.8 SP2) r2dcs02w (running Windows 2008 SP2, WinCC 3.11) old PC will be kept as oldr2dcs02w Auto-start of DIM and PVSS will be disabled –New PC with the same name and new OS prepared New WinCC installed, all configurations, privileges etc. ported over (to the extent possible) Projects will also be copied over –New and old computers can run in parallel, but the WinCC projects and some DIM stuff can not! This allows manual going forth and back in case there is a need to check Calo Meeting - Xvc
Calo Strategy Hardware –Virtual Machines OS : Linux –Check number of SPECS ports required Software –Clara shall prepare transition scripts –Xvc shall centralise all the migration (with Clara’s help) –All at once –Test Schedule –Not determined yet –Late spring (June) –Depending on tests and availability –Accommodate to other activities Calo Meeting - Xvc 12
And more When migration is finished and system tested we may consider other modifications –Integrate CS source in the ECS structure –Save systematically recipes in Configuration Database –Other suggestions for improvements Calo Meeting - Xvc 13