The Goa Marriott Resort & Spa, Panaji STATE BANK OF INDIA 91st SLBC MEETING OF GOA STATE Date : 11th Dec. 2015 Time : 10.30 am Venue: The Goa Marriott Resort & Spa, Panaji 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO.I Confirmation of the Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the 90th SLBC meeting (held on the 30.09.2015) were circulated vide SLBC letter no. RBU/LB/12/SLBG-G/726 dated 18.11.2015 a copy of the minutes is enclosed as Annexure I. No amendments/suggestions received on the minutes of last meeting held on 30.09.2015, the minutes are taken on record as read and confirmed. 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
Action points emerged in the meeting AGENDA ITEM NO.II : ACTION TAKEN REPORT Present Position in respect of Action Points of last meeting S. No. Action points emerged in the meeting Action to be taken by Present Position 1 Presence of State Level officers in SLBC Sub group meetings Govt. of Goa Needs improvement 2 Joint efforts to increase sponsoring under Govt. sponsored schemes Banks and sponsoring agencies Sponsoring by KVIC is Nil and others need improvement. 3 Timely submission of RBI MIS I TO IV for quarter ended June 15 All banks Data for Sept 15 Qtr submitted to RBI. 4 Submission of LBR 2, 3 and quick return for Sept. 2015 All Banks Some banks yet to submit the returns. 5 Submission of SHG & JLG data to LDM required by NABARD as on 30.09.15 Data from few banks awaited. 6 Activation of dormant SHG Proposal to be sent to NABARD Not reported by any Bank. 7 Instructions to DRO for waiver of commission under OTS scheme Matter taken up with Govt. of Goa. Last e-mail in Nov.15 8 Uploading the PPT of Industries Dept. To the SLBC web site Convener SLBC Goa Since uploaded. 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO. III ISSUES WHERE STATE GOVT. INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED Instructions to DRO for waiver of commission under OTS scheme, the matter receiving the attention of the Govt. of Goa 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
Targets for the quarter ending 30.09.2015 1/2 AGENDA ITEM NO. IV REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLAN 2015-16 Performance under Annual Credit Plan 2015-16 up to 30.09.2015 (Rs in Crores) Activity ACP 2015-16 % Achiev Targets for the quarter ending 30.09.2015 Achievement upto 30.09.2015 North Goa South Goa Goa State Agri Crop Loans 115.55 121.89 237.44 92.55 65.87 158.42 67% Agri Term Loan 103.27 163.26 266.53 60.28 50.47 110.75 42% Sub Total Agri 218.82 285.15 503.97 152.83 116.34 269.17 53% Industries 172.36 123.67 296.03 149.31 105.15 254.46 86% OPS (Services) 752.91 850.98 1603.89 775.04 822.48 1597.52 100% Total 1144.09 1259.80 2403.89 1077.18 1043.97 2121.15 88% 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
2/2 Comparative Position of Achievement Under ACP 2014-15 & 2015-16 (Rs. in Crores) Activity Achievement under ACP 2014-15 Up to Sept.14 % Ach Sept. 14 Achievement under ACP 2015-16 Up to Sept.15 % Ach Sept. 15 North Goa South State Agri Crop Loans 41.26 14.90 56.16 25 92.55 65.87 158.42 67% Agri Term Loan 80.51 41.12 121.63 58 60.28 50.47 110.75 42% Sub Total Agri 121.77 56.02 177.79 41 152.83 116.34 269.17 53% Industries 61.59 769.51 *831.10 285 149.31 105.15 254.46 86% OPS 747.97 420.54 1168.51 93 775.04 822.48 1597.52 100% Total 931.33 1246.07 2177.40 109 1077.18 1043.97 2121.15 88% * Due to reporting of NPS data 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
PRIORITY SECTOR ADVANCES POSITION AS ON 30.09.2015 As on 30.09.15 PSA is Rs.7144.84 crs. which is 41% of total adv. The %age of PSAs continues to be above bench mark of 40% Adv. To Women: 11.36% as against bench mark of 10% Benchmark targets which needs attention: DIR advances Weaker sections of society Advances to SC/ ST Lending under AGL advances 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
C:D RATIO POSITION AS ON 30.09.2015 The advances level as on 30.09.2015 was Rs. 17,236.12 cr. with an increased of Rs. 1529.25 cr. over the Sep. 2014 levels of Rs.15,706.87 cr. The deposit level as on 30-09-2015 being at Rs. 58,163.77 cr. has increased by Rs 8772.68 cr. over Sept 2014 level of Rs. 49,391.09 cr.; The C:D ratio as on 31.09.15 is 30% which is below the bench mark level of 40% in line with the previous quarters; The major reason for the trend in C:D ratio where there has been increase in deposits of over Rs. 2007.66 crs however increase in advances of Rs. 785.62 crs 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
HOME LOANS : EDUCATION LOAN: During the qtr. 2926 HLs sanctioned agg. Rs.389.10 crs during the quarter ending 30.09.2015 as against Rs 249.92 crs in the previous quarter ; Outs. as at 30.09.15: 49,711 accounts agg. Rs.3255.79 crs EDUCATION LOAN: During the quarter: 103 ELs sanctioned agg. Rs. 5.21 crores for studies in India; 9 ELs sanctioned agg. Rs 2.03 crore for studies abroad; The position as at end of 30.09.2015: 2862 ELs sanctioned agg. Rs.75.81 crores for studies in India; 290 ELs sanctioned agg. Rs. 23.56 crore for studies abroad; 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
KISAN CREDIT CARDS (KCC) POSITION AS ON 30.09.2015 KCC sanctions: During qrt. Sept. 2015: 1819 agg. Rs.18.22 crs. as against Rs. 10.63 crs in the previous quarter Agg. Outs. in 10,653 accounts Rs. 103.44 crs. 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
SELF HELP GROUP (SHG) as on 30.09.2015 (Nos. in actual & Amt in Crs.) Particulars North Goa South Goa Goa State Total No. of SHGs 2909 2663 5572 Total Deposits of SHGs 36.35 20.25 56.59 Total Loans outstanding of SHGs 14.99 7.77 22.76 No. of SHGs credit linked (during 01.04.15 to 30.09.15) 1171 580 1751 Limits sanctioned (during 01.04.15 to 30.09.15) 12.89 4.77 17.66 To be credit linked 1738 2083 3821 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM No. V - Financial Inclusion ……. PRADHAN MANTRI JEEVAN JYOTI BIMA YOJANA (PMJJBY)…… PRADHAN MANTRI SURAKSHA BIMA YOJANA (PMSBY)….. ATAL PENSION YOJANA (ABY)…… The schemes launched by Hon. Prime Minister on 9th May, 2015 at Kolkata ; The progress under sourcing of applications : PRADHAN MANTRI JAN DHAN YOJANA: Scheme Upto 30.11.2015 Cases Settled No Amt (in Lacs) PMJJBY 104685 - PMSBY 216066 2 4.00 APY 3801 Accounts Opened 1,24,270 Aadhaar Seeding in %age terms 67.30 Average Balance in the accounts (in Rs.) 3,352 Rupay Cards Issued 1,20,193 PIN Mailer Pending 32,116 Accounts with zero balance in %age terms 19.80 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM No. V - Financial Inclusion ……. Video Conference was held by the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India on 27.11.2015 headed by the Secretary Finance. The important agenda items were:- Rupay Card activation limit has been extended from 45 days to 90 days. Activation of Rupay Card should be done while delivering PIN. Bank Branches to hold camps for delivery of PIN mailers and activation of RuPay cards. 80% cards to be activated by March end. Efforts to be made for converting accounts with zero balance in to deposit accounts. Efforts to be made to make all the inactive Bank Mitras active and to ensure that Bank Mitra wear the prescribed dress kit. They should be provided with literacy material in local language. Adoption of School/ITI should be completed and Financial Inclusion training to be provided to students by December end. Financial Literacy Centers to be activated. The literacy material should be in local language. Mapping of Skilling Institutions of State Govt. with FLC. The list will be sent by DFS. Disbursement under PMMY to be improved by financing ITI passouts. As the initial Subsidy of Rs 1000.00 under APY by the Government is available only upto 31-12-15 all banks should observe Log In week between 14th-19th December 2015 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM VI REVIEW OF GOVT. SPONSORED SCHEMES / PROGRAMME S. No. Scheme Target 2015-16 Position as on 30.09.2015 Sponsored Sanctioned Rejected Pending 1 PMEGP – DIC 104 65 (496.96) 18 (126.15) 2 (2.12) 45 (348.70) PMEGP – KVIC 47 PMEGP - KVIB 110 96 (508.91) (73.05) 13 (62.69) 65 (373.17) PMEGP TOTAL 261 161 (1005.87) 36 (199.20) 15 (64.81) 110 (721.87) 2 NULM Not allotted 3 NRLM 525 - 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO VII : MSME SECTOR Position as on 30.09.2015 1688 Working Capital loans aggregating to Rs.67.66 crores have been sanctioned during the quarter ending 30.09.2015; The restructuring of loans has been sanctioned in 562 accounts with aggregate limit of Rs. 69.36 crores; Credit flow to MSME sector for the quarter ended Sept.2015 is enclosed as Annexure VII; 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO VII : MSME SECTOR PROGRESS UNDER PRADHAN MANTRI MUDRA YOJAN (PMMY) As on 15.11.2015 Rs. 185.86 crores have been disbursed to 14,778 enterprenures under PMMY. The schemewise breakup is as under: (Rs. in crs.) Shishu Kishore Tarun (upto Rs..50,000) (Rs.50,001 to Rs.5 lac) (Rs.5.00 lac to Rs. 10 lac) No. of A/cs Disbursed Amt 9648 28.41 3982 99.81 1148 57.64 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO VII : MSME SECTOR PROGRESS UNDER OTS SCHEME FOR BORROWERS AFFECTED BY BAN ON MINING: As on 24.11.2015 total 2574 Applilcations sanctioned by 24 Banks for Rs. 45.41 crores. Out of which release of Rs. 14.94 cr. have been made to 950 applicants. Total 737 applications are pending for Rs. 12.18 crores, detailed report enclosed as Annexure-VIII. 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO. VIII CREDIT FLOW TO MINORITY COMMUNITIES (Rs AGENDA ITEM NO. VIII CREDIT FLOW TO MINORITY COMMUNITIES (Rs. in Crores) S. No. Particulars As on 31.03.14 30.09.14 31.03.15 30.09.15 i. Total Priority Sector Advances 6360.23 6670.68 6746.36 7220.11 ii. Adv. to minority communities 1636.37 1420.36 1715.79 1911.28 iii. % adv. to minority community 26% 21% 25% 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
CREDIT FLOW TO MINORITY COMMUNITIES Advances to minority communities have increased by Rs. 195.49 crores during Sept. 2015 Qtr; The advances to minority communities as % age of total PSAs was 26% as on 30.09.2015 which is above the BENCHMARK of 15%. The statement showing Priority Sector Advances to Minority Community for the quarter ended 30.09.2015 is enclosed as Annexure-IX. 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM IX STEERING SUB-GROUP MEETINGS OF SLBC Steering Sub Group (SSG) Meeting held on Minutes enclosed as Priority Sector Lending 01.12.2015 Annexure-X Self Help Groups Annexure-XI Government Sponsored Scheme Annexure-XII Financial Inclusion Annexure-XIII 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO. X : LEAD BANK SCHEME SERVICE AREA MONITORING & INFORMATION SYSTEM (SAMIS) The percentage of submission of Lead Bank Returns is as under: Returns 30.09.14 31.03.15 30.06.15 30.09.15 LBR 2 84% 85% 80% 95% LBR U2 LBR 3 77% 72% 94% LBR U3 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO. XI : OTHER MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE 1/2 START-UP INDIA PROGRAMME RBI Mumbai vide their letter FIDD.MSME&NFS.No./ 06.02031/2015-16 dated 19th October 2015 advised that: The Prime Minister of India on the eve of Independence Day launched ‘Start-up India Programme’ to disburse loans for start-ups to the ‘Tribal’ in the locality where there is any tribal habitation. Where there is no tribal habitation banks can provide loans to ‘Dalit’ or a ‘Tribal’, give financial support to them and thus 1.25 lakh Dalit Entrepreneurs to come up. Banks are therefore advised to take appropriate action to implement the directions of the Honorable PM for extending credit to Tribal/Dalit/Women Entrepreneurs through each of their branches (Annexure-XIV). 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
AGENDA ITEM NO. XI : OTHER MATTERS WITH PERMISSION OF THE CHAIR PERSON 2/2 POWER POINT PRESENTATION Two Power Point Presentation, one by Chief Executive Officer, Investment Promotional & Facilitation Board, Goa and other by Regional Chief, Housing Urban Development Corpotation Limited, Banglore have been arranged for information of the member banks. 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015
THANK YOU 91st SLBC Goa meeting dated 11.12.2015