REFERENCE: Training Manual Obtaining the Solution (3-28) Fishing Rod (part 2) Workshop Three Results File Options
Workshop Supplement October 15, 2001 Inventory # W3-2 3.Results File Options Fishing Rod (part 2) Purpose Demonstrate the importance of specifying the items written to the results file Goal Animate solution results with both default and user-specified results file settings Model Description Fishing rod with vertical tip load Fixed end with constrained rotation constant cross-section rod length = 100 inches E = 30E6 PSI 0.25” R 50 lbs. 45 degree rotation rod cross-section
Workshop Supplement October 15, 2001 Inventory # W3-3 3.Results File Options …Fishing Rod (part 2) STEPS TO FOLLOW: 1.Start an ANSYS Interactive session in the working directory specified by the instructor using “rod2” as the jobname 2.Resume the ROD (part 2) database –Utility Menu > File > Resume from Select “rod.db2” [OK] –OR enter the following command: RESUME, rod, db2 3.Enter the General Postprocessor and specify the results file –Main Menu > General Postproc > Data & File Opts Select “rod.rst2” [OK] –OR enter the following commands: /POST1 FILE, rod, rst2 NOTE: The rod.db2 database contains the completed geometry, material, boundary condition, and loading definitions for this finite element model. NOTE: The rod.rst2 file contains the results from a successful completion of workshop 2.
Workshop Supplement October 15, 2001 Inventory # W3-4 3.Results File Options …Fishing Rod (part 2) 4.List the results summary –Main Menu > General Postproc > Results Summary [Close] –OR enter the following command: SET, LIST 5.Animate the vertical displacement –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Over Time DOF solution UY [OK] –OR enter the following commands: SET, LAST PLNSOL, U, Y ANTIME, 10, 0.5,, 1 All the animation frames are IDENTICAL !!! This is because the default for results file output is to write all data for the last substep only. Frames 1 through 10 NOTE: Only 1 results data set is available.
Workshop Supplement October 15, 2001 Inventory # W3-5 3.Results File Options …Fishing Rod (part 2) 6.Specify items to write to the results file –Main Menu > Solution > Sol’n Control Select tab: “Basic” All solution items Frequency: Write every substep [OK] –OR enter the following commands: /SOLUTION OUTRES, ALL, ALL 7.Solve the large deflection nonlinear analysis –Main Menu > Solution > Current LS [OK] –OR enter the following command: SOLVE
Workshop Supplement October 15, 2001 Inventory # W3-6 3.Results File Options …Fishing Rod (part 2) 8.List the results summary –Main Menu > General Postproc > Results Summary [Close] –OR enter the following commands: /POST1 SET, LIST 9.Animate the vertical displacement –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Over Time DOF solution UY [OK] –OR enter the following commands: SET, LAST PLNSOL, U, Y ANTIME, 10, 0.5,, 1 Frames 1 through 10