ENGINE REASSEMBLY Chapter 12 Classroom Manual page 311 RK Chapter 12 Classroom Manual page 311 Lab Manual page 325
OBJECTIVES Properly install cam bearings , and cam. RK Properly install cam bearings , and cam. Correctly install main bearings & check clearance. Properly install crank & check end play. Correctly install the piston assemblies into the block & check rod bearing clearance. Prime oil pump. Properly complete short block .
INTRODUCTION IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BE TOO CLEAN! RK IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BE TOO CLEAN! This is the last chance to find defects. Make all measurements. Torque all components. Keep engine covered at all times.
ENGINE BLOCK PREP Chamfer all bolt holes, clean all threads. RK Chamfer all bolt holes, clean all threads. Check chamfer on cylinder bores. Measure deck surfaces. Inspect sealing surfaces. Inspect all bearing surfaces . Check the inspection checklist. Install all bushings. Install soft plugs.
INSTALLING CAM BRGS Determine proper bearing position. RK Determine proper bearing position. Ensure the bearing does not drive in to “hard” or to “easy”. ALIGN OIL HOLE IN BEARING AND BLOCK. Page 312 C & 326 L
INSTALLING THE CAM Use special cam lube. RK Use special cam lube. Do not nick bearings when installing cam. Cam must turn by hand. Install thrust plate. Page 313 C & 327 L
INSTALLING CRANK Replace pilot bearing. 328 L RK Replace pilot bearing. 328 L Clean crank oil passages with a brush. 314 C Install upper main bearing halves. 314 C Use engine assembly lube. Plasti-gauge main bearing clearance. 332 L Check crank end play. 333 L
INSTALLING PISTONS Measure piston to wall clearance. 319 C RK Measure piston to wall clearance. 319 C Make sure crank pin is at BDC. 319 C Use engine assembly lube on rod bearings. Use ONLY engine oil on pistons. Protect crank from rod bolts with rubber hose. Plasti-gauge all rod bearings.
INSTALLING PISTONS Check piston rings are installed correctly. RK Check piston rings are installed correctly. Ensure ring gaps are staggered. Check rod side clearance.
DECK CLEARANCE RK Check deck height.
INSTALLING OIL PUMP Install pickup screen. RK Install pickup screen. Prime the oil pump. This is NOT priming the engine. Gasket or no gasket. Install intermediate shaft.
CAM TIMING - DEGREEING RK Only with performance type camshafts.