PS 2 - Management of the Partnership Clivio Casali EACEA.


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Presentation transcript:

PS 2 - Management of the Partnership Clivio Casali EACEA

2 Before the mobility starts Appointements: where do we stand? Deadline for submission of proposals28th February 2007 Start of eligible activities1st September 2007 Submission of the Methodology on the Organisation of the Mobility Scheme 25th September 2007 List of individuals selected for mobilitywe are here! 1st December 2007 Submission of the Progress Report in case the Partnership will apply for the next Call 31st January 2008 Deadline for the start of the individual mobility 1st April 2008

3 Selected Partnership The partnerships selected under the EMECW programme were asked to sign: Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Specific Grant Agreement (SGA)

4 Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA) The Framework Partnership Agreement is signed between the Agency and a selected partnership for a maximum duration of 3 years. Through the FPA the Executive Agency shares with the partnership common general objectives and wishes to establish with it a relationship of lasting co-operation on the following two principles: Stability for a long-term sustainable effect No guarantee without quality and compliance

5 Specific Grant Agreements (SGA) The Specific Grant Agreement is concluded in the context of the partnership established between the Executive Agency and the beneficiary universities. It is drawn up in accordance with the relevant terms of the FPA. The duration varies from 2 to 3 years depending on the mobility scheme. The SGA cointains provisions related to: Amount of the grant and payments (finacial related issues) Reports Obligations Amendments Failure to meet the objectives Publicity

6 Specific Grant Agreements (SGA): Report Obligations SGA concerning a mobility duration up to 24 months: A Progress Report to be submitted by 31st January 2008 in case the Partnership intends to apply for a renewal. A Progress Report to be submitted at the latest by 1st September A Final Report to be submitted within two months after the conclusion of the last mobility. The latest possible submission after the conclusion of the latest mobility flow is due on 1st June 2010.

7 Specific Grant Agreements (SGA): Report Obligations SGA concerning a mobility duration exceeding 24 months: A Progress Report to be submitted by 31st January 2008 in case the Consortium intends to apply for a renewal. A Progress Report to be submitted at the latest by 1st September A Progress Report to be submitted at the latest by 1st September A Final Report to be submitted within two months after the conclusion of the last mobility. The latest possible submission after the conclusion of the latest mobility flow is due on 1st April 2011.

8 Specific Grant Agreements (SGA): Report Obligations The reporting documents consist of: Annexes to the SGA (technical and financial aspects) List of students – Database print out


10 ECW Mobility Scheme The mobility scheme is based on two types of activities necessary to attain the objectives of the action. These are referring to: 1.The organisation of the mobility scheme 1.The implementation of individual mobility of students and academic staff.

11 1.Organisation of the mobility Scheme: Methodology The organisation of the mobility is based on two different stages: a)Management of the partnership (backstage preparation) b)Selection of candidates

12 1.Organisation of the mobility Scheme: a) Management of the partnership A sound and efficient management of a ECW partnerships should key elements based on Internal coordination of the mobility activities  Specific role and involvement of each individual partner in all the activities  Efficient Communication Cooperation on specific academic aspects  Distribution of mobile individuals  Academic arrangements (appropriate match between the expertise, recognition of credits, quality control) Logistical aspects  Reception and Treatment of the applications

13 1.Organisation of the mobility Scheme: b) Selection of candidates The selection of candidates is a fundamental pillar in the architecture of mobility schemes. It should reflects the efficient coordination and address the following points: Raising awareness of targeted groups  Wide Publication and solid Visibility on the opportunities available in the partner institutions (Group I) and non partner ones (Group II and III)  Networking strategy Guarantee a transparent selection mechanisms  Objective and academic merit  Equal opportunities (gender-balance, disabled or economically disadvantaged candidate)  Avoid brain-drain  Proves of the profile for candidate under Group III  Protection of Personal Data

14 1.Organisation of the mobility Scheme: b) Selection of candidates Provide services to the new comers  Welcoming and hosting students and scholars  Housing facilities  Coaching and Counselling

15 2.Implementation of the individual mobility The implementation refers to the concrete stay of the selected individuals at the hosting universities in order to undertake the foreseen studies and to follow the academic planning, within the limits imposed by Call, together with the academic recognition.

16 Practical experience reported on the Management of the partnerships by Mr. Philip Callawaert Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Lot 2)

17 Thank you all for your attention!!