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Presentation transcript:


Joint Resolution No. 4 (17 June 2009) The following principles shall govern the Modified Compensation & Position Classification System & Base Pay Schedule of the Government. A performance-based incentive scheme which integrates personnel & organizational performance shall be established to reward exemplary civil servants & well-performing institutions. (Item 1 [d]) The CSC, in developing the Performance Management System, shall ensure that personnel performance shall be linked with organizational performance . . . (Item 17 [c])

CSC Resolution No. 11-00224 dated 9 Feb 2011 CSC Resolution Nos. 11-01492 dated 8 Nov 2011 CSC Resolution No. 12-00481 dated 16 March 2012

Scope & Coverage Agencies: 1. National Government Agencies 2. Local Government Units 3. Government-Owned-and-Controlled Corporations 4. State Universities and Colleges Employees: 1. 2nd Level Executive/Managerial 2. 2nd Level Professional/Technical 3. 1st Level

CSC-DBM Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2012

Memorandum Circular No Memorandum Circular No. 2013-01 dated 2 August 2013 (Guidelines on the Grant of PBB) 8.1 b. Employees belonging to the First and Second levels should receive a rating of at least "Satisfactory" under the CSC approved Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) or its equivalent. 8.2 Departments/Agencies with CSC-approved SPMS may already use the same in evaluating individual performance in FY 2013. Once alignment is undertaken, the use of CSC-SPMS will be mandated in FY 2014.

The SPMS Concept Individual performance linked with vision, mission & strategic goals. Objectives are achieved by the employee/s and the agency.

Why Focus on Performance? The most important determinant of success lies in the PERFORMANCE of the office and personnel When employees do not perform, an organization fails. GOVERNMENT: No Service = No Effect

The SPMS Framework (Paradigm Shift)

The SPMS Objectives The SPMS shall be prepared and administered to: Concretize the linkage of agency performance with the PDP, Mandate & Strategic Plan, and the OPIF. Ensure organizational effectiveness and improvement of individual employee efficiency. establishment of rational and factual basis for performance targets and measures.

6-Basic Elements 2. Outputs & Outcomes-based. 1. Goal aligned to agency mandate & organizational priorities. 2. Outputs & Outcomes-based. 3. Team-approach to Performance Management.

5. Information system supporting monitoring & evaluation 6-Basic Elements . . . 4. User-friendly Forms 5. Information system supporting monitoring & evaluation 6. Communication Plan

Key Players CHAMPION or AGENCY HEAD Together with PMT, is responsible and accountable for the establishment and implementation of the SPMS; Sets goals/objectives and performance measures; Approves office/division performance commitment and rating; and Assesses performance of office/division.

Performance Management Team (PMT) Key Players . . . Performance Management Team (PMT) Consults all Heads of Division for the purpose of discussing the targets. Ensures that division performance targets and measures, as well as the budget are aligned with those of the Agency and that work distribution of division is rationalized. Recommends approval of the division performance commitment and rating to the Agency Head. Appeals body and arbiter for performance management. Identifies potential top performers.

Performance Management Team (PMT) Key Players . . . Performance Management Team (PMT) Executive official designated as Chairperson Highest Human Resource Management Officer Highest Human Resource Development Officer Highest Planning Officer Highest Finance Officer President of accredited employee association

Key Players . . . Planning Division Monitors submission of DPCR Form and schedule the review/evaluation of division commitments by the PMT. ] Consolidates, reviews, validates and evaluates the initial performance assessment based on accomplishments reported against the success indicators, and budget against actual expenses. Conducts an agency performance planning and review conference annually. Provides each division with the final Division Assessment to serve as basis in the assessment of individual employees. - Functions as PMT Secretariat -

Personnel/HR Division Key Players . . . Personnel/HR Division Monitors submission of Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) Form. Reviews the Summary List of Individual Performance Rating. Coordinate developmental interventions that will form part of the HR Plan.

Key Players . . . Division Chief Assumes joint responsibility with the Agency Head in attaining performance targets. Rationalizes distribution of targets/tasks. Monitors closely the status of performance of subordinates. Assesses individual employees’ performance. Recommends developmental needs/intervention.

Key Players . . . Individual Employees Act as partners of management and co-employees in meeting organizational performance goals.

SPMS CYCLE I. Performance Planning and Commitment Head of Office meeting with the supervisors/staff and agree on the outputs that should be accomplished. Success indicators are determined which consists of performance measures and performance targets.

Success Indicators should be SMART: Specific – Do the indicators clearly indicate that which should be achieved. Are they easily understood? Measurable – Are the indicators quantifiable or verifiable to determine whether the division/individual is meeting the objectives or not? Achievable – Are the indicators attainable and realistic given the Office’s resources? Results-oriented – Do the indicators focus on outputs geared toward the realization of organizational outcomes? Time-bound – Is there a time frame to achieve or complete the deliverables? Does it advance efficiency in delivering services?

Performance Measures (shall include any one, combination of, or all of the following general categories, whichever is applicable) Category Definition Effectiveness/Quality In management, effectiveness relates to getting the right things done. Involves the following elements: Acceptability Completeness or comprehensiveness of reports Meeting Standards Creativity or innovation Client Satisfaction Accuracy Efficiency The extent to which targets are accomplished using the minimum amount of time or resources. Standard response time Number of requests/applications acted upon over number of requests/applications received Optimum use of resources (money, supplies, logistics) Timeliness Measures whether the deliverable was done on time based on the following: Requirements of the law Deadlines set in the work plan

Performance Targets Targets shall take into account any or all of the following: Historical data Client demand OPES Reference Table Management instruction/s Benchmarking Future trend

Success Indicators: MFO - goods or services that an Agency is mandated to deliver to external clients through PAPs. Core Functions – Performed by the office which are inherent in its mandate

MFOs PAPs Nutrition Policy & Program Development Services Nutrition Capability Building Services for LGUs & Other Stakeholders MFOs Planning and policy formulation - multi-level program formulation Medium-term Philippine plan of action for nutrition Accelerated hunger-mitigation program Legislative agenda on nutrition Maintenance of nutrition management information systems Development, production, and distribution of printed and audio-visual materials and other technical materials Conduct of and participation in training and Conferences Nutrition program management Training on the Barangay Nutrition Scholar Program Organization and conduct of special events toward intensified nutrition advocacy Provision of logistics support to local nutrition programs Barangay Nutrition Scholar Program Provision of cash awards to LGUs with outstanding nutrition improvement and hunger mitigation programs Coordination of nutrition program at regional and local levels PAPs

Success Indicators . . . STO – Support to Operations refers to activities that provide technical & substantive support to the operations & projects of a Department/Agency (e.g. Planning Office, IAS). GASS - General Administration and Support Service (GASS) refers to activities dealing with the provision of overall administrative management support to the entire operation of a Department. It includes activities such as legislative liaison services, human resource development, and financial and administrative services.

MFO SUCCESS INDICATOR/S Policy Formulation Policy submitted within the deadline set by the agency head   Number of Policies formulated within the year Legal Services Percentage of cases resolved within 40 days from the time they are ripe for resolution Percentage of appealed cases resolved within 40 days with complete documents Regulatory Services: License Application  100% of applications approved within 8 hours from receipt 90% of clients rated services as very satisfactory Conduct of Trainings Number of trainings conducted according to approved Training Calendar 80% of participants rated training very satisfactory Development, production, and distribution of printed and audio-visual materials and other technical materials Number of nutrition information materials in various titles developed, aired, printed, installed and distributed General Administration & Support Services CF 1: Communication Management 100% of incoming documents encoded and referred to the appropriate office within 4 hours CF 2: Payroll Preparation Payroll (with complete documents) processed within 2 days No complaints on computations from employees

II. Performance Monitoring and Coaching SPMS Cycle . . . II. Performance Monitoring and Coaching Monitoring: Performance of divisions/offices and every individual shall be regularly monitored Coaching: A critical function of a supervisor aimed at empowering & helping individual employees in their work assignments. Supervisor shall maintain a journal using the Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form to record the conduct of monitoring & coaching

III. Performance Review & Evaluation SPMS Cycle . . . III. Performance Review & Evaluation Assess both division/office and individual employee’s performance level based on performance targets and measures as approved. The Planning Office PMT Head of Office

IV. Performance Rewarding & Development Planning SPMS Cycle . . . IV. Performance Rewarding & Development Planning Supervisors shall discuss with the individual employee to assess the strengths, competency-related gaps & opportunities to address these gaps, career paths & alternatives. The results of performance evaluation/assessment shall serve as inputs to the: Division Chiefs in identifying & providing the kinds of interventions needed Identifying potential PRAISE Awards nominees for various categories Identifying top performers who will qualify for rewards & incentives

Rating Period Performance evaluation shall be done Semi-Annually. The minimum appraisal period is at least ninety (90) calendar days or three (3) months. The maximum appraisal period is not longer than one (1) calendar year.

Rating Scale 5 Outstanding Extraordinary level of achievement Description Numerical Adjectival 5 Outstanding Extraordinary level of achievement Exceptional job mastery in all major areas of responsibility Marked excellence of achievement and contribution to the organization 4 Very Satisfactory Exceeded expectations All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above the established standards 3 Satisfactory Met expectations Most critical annual goals were met 2 Unsatisfactory Failed to meet expectations One or more of the most critical goals were not met. 1 Poor Consistently below expectations Reasonable progress toward critical goals was not made

Sanctions Non-Submission of : The Division Performance Commitment and Rating Form to the PMT Individual Employee’s Performance Commitment and Rating Form to the Personnel/HR Division within the specified dates will be ground for: Employee’s disqualification for performance-based personnel actions Administrative sanction for violation of reasonable office rules and regulations and simple neglect of duty for supervisors or employees responsible for delay or non-submission of the office and individual performance commitment and rating report

Appeals Individual employees who feel aggrieved or dissatisfied with their final performance ratings can file an appeal with the PMT within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of notice of their final performance evaluation rating. An office/unit or individual employee, however, shall not be allowed to protest the performance ratings of other office/unit or co-employees. Ratings obtained by other office/unit or employees can only be used as basis or reference for comparison in appealing one’s office or individual performance rating. The PMT shall decide on the appeals within one month from receipt. The decision of the PMT in the central office or departments may be appealed to the head of office. Officials or employees who are separated from the service on the basis of Unsatisfactory or Poor performance rating can appeal their separation to the CSC or its regional office within 15 days from receipt of the order or notice of separation.