US History Class 3, September 15, 2010. Dec of i We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our creator.


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Presentation transcript:

US History Class 3, September 15, 2010

Dec of i We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. PEOPLE!!!!!!! create the creates the laws... the laws have to be fair to all the people. Or....REVOLT!

Plan for the day Collect Notes from Reading Recite Dec. of Independence John Locke: Philosopher of the American Revolution Discuss what the Colonies Really Looked Like

John Locke

What the Colonies Really looked Like: RED “Red, White and Black” Nash Red: Virginia, two wars with Indians..1614, 1644 Ended the idea of assimilation or peaceful coexistence. By 1685 English considered Powhatan extinct. DISEASE! Ramifications: oral histories gone. Geography...coastline vs. Interior.

T or False The Colonies of North America were settled by people from England. WHITE

WHite (Con.) By 1770 only 1/2 of the colonist were English Dutch: NY, French, Swedish, NE and Virginia were primarily English Why did they come? Economic Opportunity Stifled in Europe. Some Upper Classes, Middle Class...Second sons and indentured servants. Indentured: 3/4 between % did not see freedom. 60% of British Immigrants who came to the colonies during the colonial period consisted of indentured servants. Great majority lived in the southern colonies. By 1820 practice done. (economics...)

Black New England-Slave Trade, Brown University... Middle Colonies-Virginia Tobacco Carolinas-Georgia Blacks by 1770 outnumbered whites 2 to 1. ALL REGIONS INVOLVED AND PROFITING FROM THE SLAVE TRADE.

MAP Pg. 89, 94, 123 of Text. Make a Facinating, useful map of the colonies! Know all the colonies. New England, Middle Colonies, Carolinas and Georgia.