Jacob Needleman, Philosopher Interview by Bill Moyers Presented by Austin Robbs
Where Journalism and Philosophy Meet Bill MoyersJacob Needleman artsandlectures.sa.ucsb.edu
Modern society thrives on wants, but misses out on what it needs Human nature is two-fold, both physical and spiritual We are not meant to live transitory lives, but to live in a state of “consciousness” Philosophy helps us achieve a state of “conscious living,” the desired balance between our physical and spiritual natures What Does Jacob Needleman Believe?
Our quest for financial prosperity must remain balanced between our physical and spiritual needs We must remember that money, of itself, is meaningless – it is our lifelong learning and our relationships that give us true meaning We should “consciously enjoy” our work, and not simply see it as a “means to more money” Is There a Business Application to Needleman’s Philosophy?
We are dual-beings that need love, even more than we think we need money The meaning of life is found in our individual growth, not merely in our pursuit of wealth We become “conscious beings” when we live balanced lives, maintaining all things in the right perspective The Philosophical Nail in the Economic Coffin
Moyers, B. (1989). Jacob needleman, philosopher. In E. Engh (Ed.), Critical Thinking: Readings from the Literature of Business and Society (pp ). Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions. Moyers, B. (2013). About us. Retrieved from Needleman, J. (2013). Jacob needleman - bio. Retrieved from Moyers, B. (Producer). (1990, June 23). Jacob Needleman - A World of Ideas [Web Video]. Retrieved from Citations