Frontier Research Essay AP English Language And Composition
Review: Frontier A line or border separating two countries The district near a border separating two countries The extreme limit of settled land, beyond which lies wilderness *In its basic form, a frontier is a boundary, between land or idea or reality. It is either external or internal (or both simultaneously) It is appealing yet terrifying in its unpredictability and chaos.
Assignment Sheet Preview assignment sheet Due dates In-class resources
Timeline Weds. 12/16 – brainstorm and outline Thurs. 12/17 – outline and research Fri. 12/18 – research and organize During break – research, write a RD Mon. 1/4 – RD due for peer-edits Mon-Weds 1/4 – 1/6 – revise RD, write final Thurs. 1/7 – Final start of class! AP English Language and Composition: Frontier Research Essay
Brainstorming On the “notes” section of your assignment sheet, brainstorm some ideas of frontiers. Make sure to have the “verb + noun” for each idea!! Let’s share! Whiteboard at front of class
“The struggle alone pleases us; not the victory” - Blaise Pascal (mathematician and philosopher)