The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Mt. 22 The last week in the life of Jesus –Jesus had become more explicit about the state of religion in Israel, and its religious leaders Mt. 23, hypocrites! –This included specifics about God ’ s kingdom 21: … 43, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you 45, they understood he was speaking about them
2, the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a … wedding feast –Certain aspects 13:24f, the process of judgment 18:23f, forgiveness 25:1f, timing –Appl.: don ’ t look for meaning in every detail (allegorizing). Look for the general thrust.
2, King, God 2, Son, Jesus the Christ 3a, slaves, prophets and preachers 3a, call those who had been invited, the Jews –For hundreds of years, they had known about the Messianic Kingdom. The anticipated hour had come.
3b, And they were unwilling to come –“ Surely this is a mistake. ” –4, Again he sent out other slaves 5, But they paid no attention –“ Farm, ” “ business ” –They had better things to do 6, … seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them –“ This will put a stop to His harassment! ”
7-8, –The act they thought would lead to freedom led to destruction –The punishment was for ungratefulness 9-10, alternative guests sought, those who would appreciate the King –Highways … good and evil, unexpected guests for a wedding What a gracious and merciful king! This refers to the Gentiles, 21:43
11, a man not dressed in wedding clothes A second way to disrespect the king 12, speechless, without excuse 13, throw him out, rejection 14, many are called but few are chosen
Observations Don ’ t read into the parable –“ The man was in the wedding hall. He was in the kingdom … ! ” This isn ’ t the point. (Man will try to enter though unqualified) (Men will accept what God will not)
Observations The “ incidentals ” to note The invitation was needed The invitation could be denied The invitation wasn ’ t all that was needed
The wedding of the Lamb, Rv. 19:7-9 Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper –Revelation, symbolic –Present context, of Christ and the church –7, The Lamb, Jesus (Jn. 1:36, the Lamb of God) –7, His Bride. Saints. (Rv. 21:1 … 27, Christians)
9, Invited –In Mt. 22, those invited were to be guests In Rv. 22, those invited are to be the bride –In Mt. 22, slaves delivered the invitation 2 Thess. 2:14-15, called through our gospel
Blessed are those who are invited –Does the blessing lie in hearing only? Cf. Mt. 22: The invitation had to be accepted The invitation had to be respected This statement assumes the invitation is properly accepted. Illus.: “ RSVP ”
7, His bride has made herself ready The wedding garment: 8, … the righteous acts of the saints
NT “ Clothing ” language: Rm. 13: … 14, But put on the Lord Jesus Christ –Context, discriminating between fleshly and Christ-like deeds 1 Pe. 2:1 … 3:8, put off … Gal. 3:27, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ Without baptism, every other act is done in nakedness!
Custom Tailoring Your Wedding Garment Baptism Purpose: For forgiveness of sins. Ac. 22:16; 2:38 Person: Mature. Ac 2: … 37 Procedure: Full immersion in water. Ac. 8:38-39 Propriety: Immediately. Ac. 8:36; 9:18 Position: Added to the body of the saved. Ac. 2:41, 47