Wallace vs. Jaffree Alabama, 1985 Father versus Mobile County School – Ishmael Jaffree claimed his kids were being subjected to regular religious practices in school – Kids were ostracized when they opted not to participate – Asked the school on multiple occasions, requested the prayer to be stopped but he was unsuccessful.
In Court… Alabama District Court voted in favor of the school Eleventh Circuit State court of Appeals reversed the decision – They believed it was an unconstitutional law Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mr. Jaffree – Finding that Alabama violated constitutional principle
Why Was Alabama Wrong? Alabama’s practice was violating – Establishment of Religion Establishment Clause Freedom of Religion – “The First Amendment was adopted to curtail Congress' power to interfere with the individual's freedom to believe, to worship, and to express himself in accordance with the dictates of his own conscience.”
United States of America v. Robert J. Stevens Case about animal cruelty videos Is it constitutional to prohibit the distribution of videos depicting animal cruelty? Obama Administration wants to turn the case over to an appellate court Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that there was an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment's free speech guarantee.
Additional Details Prohibiting the depiction of animal cruelty, violates the First Amendment – would create a new category of speech not protected by the free speech provision of the Amendment Supreme Court is reviewing the lower court’s decision – Started on October 6 th, 2009