What is TED? “TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.”
What are TED Ed Clubs? TED-Ed Club--a flexible, school-based program that supports students in discussing, pursuing and presenting their big ideas in the form of short TED-style talks. Launched January, 2014 – 2,500 applications – 92 countries – 750 clubs approved – Over 10,000 students participating Middle School Examples – wse/talks-by-tedxyouth- event/tedxmountainmiddlesc hool wse/talks-by-tedxyouth- event/tedxmountainmiddlesc hool Students Share Personal Stories – atch?v=Fkd9TWUtFm0#t=28 atch?v=Fkd9TWUtFm0#t=28 – o/What%E2%80%99s-Wrong- With-Me- Absolutel;search%3Atag%3A %22english%22 o/What%E2%80%99s-Wrong- With-Me- Absolutel;search%3Atag%3A %22english%22
Ideas from Previous TED Ed Clubs Look at these ideas to get the juices flowing… – from-ted-ed-club-members/ from-ted-ed-club-members/
What We Will Do? Explore Your Passion-things you have done, areas you are interested in, something you want to learn more about Use TED Talks as Mentors-We’ll watch multiple TED talks as we move through the process to help you develop your own talks. Research—You’ll be provided time at school to explore and to dive deeply in your topic. Create-You’ll create your own TED talk to share with our class. Final Product—At the end of the process, you will present your own Ted talk.
What Will I Provide You? Guidance Time in Class Opportunity to Explore Time in Class Access to the Media Center Time in Class Access to Computers Time Independence
Why? Meets 19 language arts standards not to mention standards in other subjects that are connected to your topic. Shows you how language arts skills are connected. Shows you how you might use language arts skills through life. Provides you with instruction and practice with public speaking. Answers the question, “Why Do I Have To Know This?” Provides you with REAL WORLD skills
First Steps Me- – Applied to TED Ed Clubs – Participated in a video conference interview – Approved by TED Ed Clubs to facilitate – Discussed with Dr. Brink who sought approval by district level personnel – Got the go ahead from the district and Dr. Brink You- – Release Forms TED Ed requires release forms because they provide the opportunity for videos of presentations to be uploaded to their site. Currently, we don’t have plans to upload any videos; however, if we decide that we want to upload some, we will get specific parent permission.