DESCRIPTION Susan Ely Fundamentals of College Writing
Why be skilled in description? Enhances readers’ understanding of your subject Readers are drawn to description Sustains interest Helps reconstruct scenes in narratives Makes action visual Makes your story different than the rest
Good description…. Creates a dominant impression Subjective vs. Objective This is a skill expected in college
Good description…. Uses the 5 senses
Good description…. Uses Figurative Language—How do we describe something that defies language? Metaphor/Simile Personification main-area main-area
Good description…. Strong Verbs and Nouns
Good description…. Uses the element of surprise
Good description…. Indicates the writer’s attitude through Word choice The details you choose to include and describe
Add description to your Narratives Include only relevant details Keep the description focused Make sure the description fits the essay’s tone and point of view
What can I describe? Places People Emotions Sights, sounds, tastes, touch Weather Actions
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