Bell Work What or who is an intercession/intercessor?
Mary as the Intercessor of our Prayers
Define Intercession- A form of prayer in which we ask for God’s help for others Prayer on the behalf of someone else to ask God for help We pray to the Lord What are examples when you pray on behalf of someone else? Intercession- A form of prayer in which we ask for God’s help for others Prayer on the behalf of someone else to ask God for help We pray to the Lord What are examples when you pray on behalf of someone else?
Examples of who we would pray on behalf of
Praying to the Lord Intercessory prayer helps show our love & express our belief Most intercessions we pray to the Lord but are their others we ask for prayers? Intercessory prayer helps show our love & express our belief Most intercessions we pray to the Lord but are their others we ask for prayers?
Bell Work or Exit Slip When you pray who are you asking to pray for you?
Praying to Mary Mary is someone that we ask to pray for us She is compassionate & can empathize Mary is not the mediator (middle-man) between God & Man Jesus is the mediator Mary is someone that we ask to pray for us She is compassionate & can empathize Mary is not the mediator (middle-man) between God & Man Jesus is the mediator
Mary, Mother of Jesus Mary is considered the Mother of the church She is the Virgin Mary-Purity Mary is the true mother of God Why would Mary be considered the Mother of the Catholic church? Mary is considered the Mother of the church She is the Virgin Mary-Purity Mary is the true mother of God Why would Mary be considered the Mother of the Catholic church?
Activity Mary is also considered the Mother of the Catholic church I want you along w/a partner to list why you think Mary is considered the Mother of the Catholic church I want you to also research & see what you come up with Mary is also considered the Mother of the Catholic church I want you along w/a partner to list why you think Mary is considered the Mother of the Catholic church I want you to also research & see what you come up with
Activity I want you to use the picture of Mary & the stars to write down all of Mary’s roles
Why would we ask Mary for our Prayers?
Mary, Mother of Jesus & Mother of the Catholic Church Review We pray to Mary because she is compassionate She understands when we are sad or having hard times Mary went through hard times in her life She is the Mother of the Church because she is the highest looked upon woman in the church Why? We pray to Mary because she is compassionate She understands when we are sad or having hard times Mary went through hard times in her life She is the Mother of the Church because she is the highest looked upon woman in the church Why?