CS 483 – SD SECTION BY DR. DANIYAL ALGHAZZAWI (2) Information Security
Cryptography Ciphers 1. Classic Substitution e.g., Caesar Cipher Transposition e.g., Route Cipher Hybrid 2. Modern Symmetric (Private Key) Stream Cipher e.g., RC4, A5/1 Block Cipher e.g., DES, AES Asymmetric (Public Key) e.g., RSA Hybrid
Substitution Cipher Caesar Cipher
Substitution Cipher Tap Code
Substitution Cipher Pigpen Cipher
Substitution Cipher Vigenère Cipher
Substitution Cipher Codebook Cipher
Transposition Cipher Route Cipher
Transposition Cipher Rail Fence Cipher
Transposition Cipher Columnar Transposition
Homework ? Develop a program for one of the ciphers above and use the following structure? string encode(string Plaintext, string key) {: return (Ciphertext); } string decode(string Ciphertext, string key) {: return (Plaintext); }