Nicoya Wind Nicoya Wind is an Eolic Park Project located in Costa Rica in the middle of the Guanacaste province in a town call Nicoya. Guanacaste is the country number´s one province in turistic and inmobiliary developing, giving as a result the grow in electricity demand
Nicoya Wind This project takes place in a Mountain range with a long of 1.5 kilometers on the east-west direction where the wind runs rigth in front of it. The place already has all acces roads, and electrification sistem ready.
Nicoya Wind On augusts 2008 wind measurents were started with NRG Sistems Equipment, having at this point 10 of the 12 required months to start all the proyections and final wind studies.
Wind Mesearuments Having 6.77 m\ s as the 10 months velocity Average And North East by 10° Grades the wind Direction, blowing in all the front of the property that goes on the east- west direction
Nicoya Wind This is are the mesurements for the Months of December 2008 and January 2009
Costa Rica Electric Situation There´s a huge incresing on Energy Demand Private Investment and Production is need it Costa Rica´s Law (N° 7200) allows Private Electricity Production Acording tho the world needs and Costa Rica policies Green energy production is a priority
Project Expectations Preliminar studies of the wind velocity, and Direction, visits and views to the place are giving a spected production between 10 and 20 MW. To define on the final and complete data analysis
Marketing of the Produce Electricity Costa Rican Law N° 8345 allows Cooperativas to buy, sell, and give electricity services, for our case the company that provides Guanacaste with electricity is a Cooperativa call Coopeguanacaste As we said before Guanacaste is the number one Province in grow and developing, translating this in to a problem for Coopeguanacaste because they don´t have enough electricity for such a fast increase in the electricity demand This Project would help to solucionate this problem because is electrycity produce in the same province. The one they can use to solvent the problem on demand, beside that the Cooperativa will save money becasue they wont have to pay the tolls they are paying now for bring the electricity from other Province Rigth now we are in preliminar negotiations with the Coopegunacaste to define the price they will be paying for the electricity and some other aspects, with the purpose of sign the soonest posible a contrac for the buy-sell produced electricity.
Next on Finishing Wind Measurements Start with the complete Data Analisis Find the Investor or the Funding for the proyect (from $20 to $40 million USD total cost) Buy the Turbines and all the equipment need it. Most of the Eolic Parks in Costa Rica have a return time for the money invested from 7 to 8 years, this time colud go lower if the price paid rise ( current price $0.07,5 for produce kilo )