President Lauren Hawks Vice-President David Jaffe Dress for Success: the Do’s and Don’ts of MUN Etiquette
DO: raise placard until arm is 75% extended and project the word “present” DO NOT: stand and say “[full country name] is present and voting” Roll Call
DO: start with “Honorable Chair and Fellow Delegates…” DO NOT: immediately jump into your speech Speaking in Front of an Audience
DO: speak for about 45 to 70 seconds with concrete content DO NOT: ramble for several minutes without purpose, wasting time Speaking in Front of an Audience
DO: end speech with, “I now yield my time to the chair” DO NOT: walk off; there are always questions to answer and comments to be made Speaking in Front of an Audience
DO: stand tall! Every time you stand, run a checklist through your mind: chin up, shoulders back, straight back. DO NOT: slouch or sit into your hips too much Standing in Front of an Audience
DO: Answer as many questions as possible without losing your cool. Some questions will be intended to attack you. If you’re stumped, say you would like to discuss the subject further in caucus, and pray they forget (or honestly discuss it further in caucus). DO NOT: give random answers that are inaccurate or attack the asker Handling Questions
DO: refer to oneself as your country, “The Russian Federation believes…” DO NOT: refer to oneself with personal/possessive pronouns, “My country believes…” Referring to Oneself
DO: Arrive at your committee room a little early and introduce yourself to other committee members DO NOT: sit in the back of the room, attack other delegates, or mumble when speaking The Little Things Matter
DO: make eye contact, smile, give credit where it is due, and speak with appropriate volume and authority DO NOT: make nervous gestures DO: use hand gestures, if you are comfortable (palms open, no crossing, and at waist level) The Little Things Matter
DO: apply the same checklist for standing when sitting: chin up, shoulders back, straight back Sit on the edge of the chair if needed DO NOT: Sit with your legs wide open Sitting in Committee
DO: Dress “smartly”. In MUN, we generally dress in Western Business Attire. DO NOT: Wear baggy or super tight clothes that give off wrong impressions Note: Try to add some color Dress
Men Button-down collared shirt Tie Jacket optional but highly recommended Belt Black dress pants Dress shoes Dark socks Western Business Attire
Women Nice blouse/dress shirt Blazer jacket Skirt (must be past fingers!) or dress pants Nylon stockings recommended for skirts Dress shoes Western Business Attire