Marjory Stoneman Douglas - Born April 7, 1890 in Minneapolis, Minnesota - Graduated from Wellesley with straight A's with the elected honor of "Class Orator." - She worked for her father at the Miami Herald. She worked first as a society reporter, then as an editorial page columnist, and later established herself as a writer of note. Here she took on the fight for feminism, racial justice, and conservation long before these causes became popular.
Importance and relevance to our study Three most significant contributions: - Her book, The Everglades: River of Grass, published in 1947 (the year Everglades National Park was established) the revised edition was published in 1987, to draw attention to the continuing threats to "her river." - In the 1950s, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had a construction program, a complex system of canals, levees, dams, and pump stations was built to provide protection from seasonal flooding to former marsh land. Mrs. Douglas was railing at officials for destroying wetlands, eliminating sheetflow of water, and upsetting the natural cycles upon which the entire system depends. - In 1970 she formed the Friends of the Everglades, and was the active head of the organization. How does this fit into our study?: Marjory Stoneman Douglas is an example for us to learn from, she teaches us to recognize the problems we introduce to our earth's ecosystem and to do something about it. She also teaches us about the importance of protecting the everglades and the natural flow of the water and the marine ecosystems living in it.
Sources douglas.htm