CompSci 100E 15.1 What is a Binary Search? Magic! Has been used a the basis for “magical” tricks Find telephone number ( without computer ) in seconds If that isn’t magic, what is? There are less than atoms in the universe. If ordered, how long to locate a particular one? Demo! What is the big-Oh?
CompSci 100E 15.2 Analysis: Algorithms and Data Structures We need a vocabulary to discuss performance and to reason about alternative algorithms and implementations It’s faster! It’s more elegant! It’s safer! It’s cooler! We need empirical tests and analytical/mathematical tools Given two methods, which is better? Run them to check. o 30 seconds vs. 3 seconds, easy. 5 hours vs. 2 minutes, harder o What if it takes two weeks to implement the methods? Use mathematics to analyze the algorithm, The implementation is another matter, cache, compiler optimizations, OS, memory,…
CompSci 100E 15.3 Recursion and recurrences Why are some functions written recursively? Simpler to understand, but … Mt. Everest reasons Are there reasons to prefer iteration? Better optimizer: programmer/scientist v. compiler Six of one? Or serious differences o “One person’s meat is another person’s poison” o “To each his own”, “Chacun a son gout”, … Complexity (big-Oh) for iterative and recursive functions How to determine, estimate, intuit
CompSci 100E 15.4 What’s the complexity of this code? // first and last are integer indexes, list is List int lastIndex = first; Object pivot = list.get(first); for(int k=first+1; k <= last; k++){ Comparable ko = (Comparable) list.get(k); if (ko.compareTo(pivot) <= 0){ lastIndex++; Collections.swap(list,lastIndex,k); } What is big-Oh cost of a loop that visits n elements of a vector? Depends on loop body, if body O(1) then … If body is O(n) then … If body is O(k) for k in [0..n) then …
CompSci 100E 15.5 FastFinder.findHelper private Object findHelper(ArrayList list, int first, int last, int kindex){ int lastIndex = first; Object pivot = list.get(first); for(int k=first+1; k <= last; k++){ Comparable ko = (Comparable) list.get(k); if (ko.compareTo(pivot) <= 0){ lastIndex++; Collections.swap(list, lastIndex,k); } Collections.swap(list, lastIndex, first); if (lastIndex == kindex) return list.get(lastIndex); if (kindex < lastIndex) return findHelper(list, first, lastIndex-1, kindex); return findHelper(list, lastIndex+1, last, kindex); }
CompSci 100E 15.6 Different measures of complexity Worst case Gives a good upper-bound on behavior Never get worse than this Drawbacks? Average case What does average mean? Averaged over all inputs? Assuming uniformly distributed random data? Drawbacks? Best case Linear search, useful?
CompSci 100E 15.7 Multiplying and adding big-Oh Suppose we do a linear search then we do another one What is the complexity? If we do 100 linear searches? If we do n searches on a vector of size n? What if we do binary search followed by linear search? What are big-Oh complexities? Sum? What about 50 binary searches? What about n searches? What is the number of elements in the list (1,2,2,3,3,3)? What about (1,2,2, …, n,n,…,n)? How can we reason about this?
CompSci 100E 15.8 Helpful formulae We always mean base 2 unless otherwise stated What is log(1024)? log(xy) log(x y ) log(2 n ) 2 (log n) Sums (also, use sigma notation when possible) … + 2 k = 2 k+1 – 1 = … + n = n(n+1)/2 = a + ar + ar 2 + … + ar n-1 = a(r n - 1)/(r-1)= log(x) + log(y) y log(x) nlog(2) = n 2 (log n) = n k i=0 2i2i n i=1 i n-1 i=0 ar i
CompSci 100E 15.9 Recursion Review Recursive functions have two key attributes There is a base case, sometimes called the exit case, which does not make a recursive call All other cases make recursive call(s), the results of these calls are used to return a value when necessary o Ensure that every sequence of calls reaches base case o Some measure decreases/moves towards base case o “Measure” can be tricky, but usually it’s straightforward Example: sequential search in an ArrayList If first element is search key, done and return Otherwise look in the “rest of the list” How can we recurse on “rest of list”?
CompSci 100E Sequential search revisited What is complexity of sequential search? Of code below? boolean search(ArrayList list, int first, Object target) { if (first >= list.size()) return false; else if (list.get(first).equals(target)) return true; else return search(list,first+1,target); } Why are there three parameters? Same name good idea? boolean search(ArrayList list, Object target){ return search(list,0,target); }
CompSci 100E Why we study recurrences/complexity? Tools to analyze algorithms Machine-independent measuring methods Familiarity with good data structures/algorithms What is CS person: programmer, scientist, engineer? scientists build to learn, engineers learn to build Mathematics is a notation that helps in thinking, discussion, programming
CompSci 100E Recurrences Summing Numbers int sum(int n) { if (0 == n) return 0; else return n + sum(n-1); } What is complexity? justification? T(n) = time to compute sum for n T(n) = T(n-1) + 1 T(0) = 1 instead of 1, use O(1) for constant time independent of n, the measure of problem size
CompSci 100E Solving recurrence relations plug, simplify, reduce, guess, verify? T(n) = T(n-1) + 1 T(0) = 1 T(n) = T(n-k) + k find the pattern! Now, let k=n, then T(n) = T(0)+n = 1+n get to base case, solve the recurrence: O(n) T(n-1) = T(n-1-1) + 1 T(n) = [T(n-2) + 1] + 1 = T(n-2)+2 T(n-2) = T(n-2-1) + 1 T(n) = [(T(n-3) + 1) + 1] + 1 = T(n-3)+3
CompSci 100E Complexity Practice What is complexity of Build ? (what does it do?) ArrayList build(int n) { if (0 == n) return new ArrayList(); // empty ArrayList list = build(n-1); for(int k=0;k < n; k++){ list.add(new Integer(n)); } return list; } Write an expression for T(n) and for T(0), solve.
CompSci 100E Recognizing Recurrences Solve once, re-use in new contexts T must be explicitly identified n must be some measure of size of input/parameter o T(n) is the time for quicksort to run on an n-element vector T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1) binary search O( ) T(n) = T(n-1) + O(1) sequential search O( ) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1) tree traversal O( ) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) quicksort O( ) T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n) selection sort O( ) Remember the algorithm, re-derive complexity n log n n log n n n2n2