WP2: Crystallising the Fruits of the European RTD + D Efforts Hugo de Moor ECN Eleni Despotou EPIA Anton Milner EPIA Board
Common Research Agenda of Industry and Research - Finalizing EPIA Roadmap (Aulich) -Define priorities short, medium and long term shared by RTD and Industry -Effective R&D instruments ‚R&D Do it Together‘ Objectives
EPIA Road Map (Aulich)
EPIA and PVNET roadmaps are a good basis for a European R&D program (Frankfurt March 2004) - A PV strategy and program crucial: EU + national - Strong EU R&D position: exploit it! EPIA Roadmap Broad vision (technology + market) Ambitious, but realistic targets Actors clearly identified PVNET Roadmap More detailed priorities S/M/L-Time
Strategic Research Agenda Industry Community R&D Community Discuss Set Priorities Berlin FF/Munchen/Paris Brussels Jan. 04 March-June 04 Nov. 04+Oct Provide results to the PV Platform ‚R&D Do it Together‘
PV andSolar thermal electric Wissenschaftliche Beirat 2003 PV is the option for the future A broad technology portfolio will increase the chance achieving this goal
The Challenge 5 €/Wp 0.5 €/Wp Learning rate > 20% Growth rate > 20% 15% 20% System price 5 kWp < 3 €/Wp 2010 (ST) < 1.5 €/Wp 2020 (MT) < 1 €/Wp 2030 (LT) R&D + Market ?
Accelerating the Learning Curve...will determine the future of PV and EU competitiveness...time-to-market is the critical dimension...and we face structural issues in “just doing it“, particularly compared to Japan inc. ( role of METI ) RequirementsHigh speed Approach Milestones must be achieved and disseminated Focus of EU Efforts Resource levels available The Challenge
Ikki (2004) Vision on the Japanese situation
Strategic Research Agenda Recommendations for: More effective R&D instruments + PV Programmes (EU + national) Continuity (content + network) => “planned” projects + more interaction ST LT better use of R&D industry + differentiated EU contribution (commercial benefits) Effective use of public money Good technology portfolio → Strong industrial position
DG Research (WEC 2001) Importance of change of energy infrastructure not recognised
Strategic Research Agenda R&D portfolio Priorities ST/MT (2/3) MT/LT (1/3) Systems (1/3) Technical + non-technical issues (e.g. standardisation) Cells & Modules (2/3) x-Si 40% Thin-Film 25% Consensus between Research and Industry More budget needed to realise ambitions
Budget Breakdown proportional to Cost Breakdown Cell/Module Technology 65% BOS (+demonstration) 35% x-Si only 30% Future oriented ? PVNET Scenario
How to define the priorities? Overall Social / Economic Benefits “the society needs”: -Increase PV penetration hugely ( technology independent ) -This means : Increase availability / Reduce costs quickly ( technology independent ) INDUSTRY NEEDS -Costs / Costs / Costs – and in the short term or a key “driver” to progress is impaired -Drastically increased material availability in next 3-4 years ( Si problem ) -Secure the key future technologies to reduce costs RESEARCH NEEDS -Balanced Portfolio through technologies and the chain : ST / MT / LT -Broad Portfolio: wide technology development, less emphasis on technology focus, with priorities per technology sector
Results of WP2
Research Agenda for PV Systems A separate meeting was needed as it was difficult time cycle is short: not seen as innovative, sexy depending on others sectors (e.g. batteries) closely related to application: non-technical issues company specific many market segments: identify common issues Value of PV is in the Application
Grid-connected PV systems - Inverters55 M€ - PV and the grid (utilities !)50 M€ - Concentrator systems15 M€ Stand-alone PV systems - Electronics (user-oriented)30 M€ - Storage (battery sector)40 M€ Building related/integrated PV systems60 M€ (Building sector)
Cross cutting (non-technical issues) - Standardisation20 M€ - Re-use/recycling15 M€ - Externalities/social benefits 10 M€ - Monitoring and training 20 M€ - Market preparation (WP4-WP7) 40 M€
Implementation of the R&D Priorities input for PV Technology Platform Clear targets per topic Instrument: actors + budget in time Milestones Evaluation, technical and economical potential - Benchmarking between technologies (cost models) - Development of market segments
A European agenda should be the basis for national LT programs IEA PVPS T1 2003
PV Technology Platform Structure Steering Committee National Programmes Mirror Group Policy & Instruments Group Information Promotion Education & Market Deployment Group PV Secretariat Science Technology & Applications Group Developing Countries Group