Research Methodology and Writing 2013 Fall
MLA P : Taking Notes
Types of Note-Taking Summary Summary Paraphrase Paraphrase Quotations Quotations -----Be sure to use quotation mars scrupulously in your notes to distinguish the quotation from summary and paraphrase.
Basic Tips Set down the author ’ s full name and the complete title of the source. Set down the author ’ s full name and the complete title of the source. Keep an accurate record of the pages or other numbered sections that you use. Keep an accurate record of the pages or other numbered sections that you use. Use a computer for note-taking Use a computer for note-taking Steer a middle course between recording too much and recording too little Steer a middle course between recording too much and recording too little
Functions of Outlining To get an overall view of your paper To get an overall view of your paper To figure out how each section of the paper relates to the others To figure out how each section of the paper relates to the others To keep track of all important aspects of your subject To keep track of all important aspects of your subject
Making an Outline for a Source You Have Read To get an overall view of your reading To get an overall view of your reading To figure out how each section of the reading relates to the others To figure out how each section of the reading relates to the others To keep track of all important aspects of the author ’ s subject To keep track of all important aspects of the author ’ s subject To help you check whether you ’ ve read it right To help you check whether you ’ ve read it right
Our Required Style of Outline The topic outline: The topic outline: ---Use only short phrases throughout Labeling parts of an outline Labeling parts of an outlineI.A.1.a.(1)B.II.
Thesis Statement Definition: Definition: ---a single sentence that formulates both your topic and your point of view topic and your point of view Significance: Significance: ---your answer to the central question or problem you have raised Location: Location: ---At the end of the introduction of your paper
Final Outline Delete everything that is irrelevant to the thesis statement or that might weaken your argument. Delete everything that is irrelevant to the thesis statement or that might weaken your argument.
Shaping a structure for the paper Bring related material together under general heading, and arrange these section so that one logically connect with another. Bring related material together under general heading, and arrange these section so that one logically connect with another.
Integrating Quotation and Sources It is a good idea to indicate in the outline, the quotations and sources you will use. It is a good idea to indicate in the outline, the quotations and sources you will use.
Writing Draft Create a different file for each draft so that you can return to a preceding draft whenever you wish. Create a different file for each draft so that you can return to a preceding draft whenever you wish. If you create a file of notes for each major topic in your outline, you can copy into the text file each topic file in sequence as you write. If you create a file of notes for each major topic in your outline, you can copy into the text file each topic file in sequence as you write.
Language and Style Clarity Clarity Readability Readability Organization Organization Command of sentence structure Command of sentence structure
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