Construct at least ten questions about your author/and or topic. These questions will be turned into statements and will become the main topics of your formal outline. Try to construct questions that will generate thought – provoking answers.
Place each question at the top of a note-card (either a large index card or a Noodle Tools note card). You may have several cards with the same questions on them Use separate cards for different sources. As you conduct your research, place your notes on the cards and label the cards to indicate which type of note is on the card.
If your notes from a specific source are verbatim (word for word direct quote), write the code letter “V” on the card to remind yourself that the notes are verbatim quotes. If you paraphrase a quote from a specific source, write the code “P” to remind yourself that your notes on that card are paraphrased. If your notes are a summary, use the code “S” on the card to indicate that. Summaries are usually lengthier than verbatim quotes or paraphrases.
Your note card should also contain the following: The topic name you are researching The source The author’s full name The parenthetical citation (author’s last name and page numbers).
Source cards should contain the following information: Source Card number Author Title Publisher Place of Publication Copyright Date
* When constructing your formal outline, place your Thesis Statement at the top of the page before you begin your outline. * Turn your questions into statements. * All points in the outline should be in the form of complete sentences, beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period.
Follow this link to see an example of how to construct your formal outline. e.htm e.htm Arrange your notes in a logical order before constructing your formal outline Remember: Your thesis statement appears first.
You will now begin creating paragraphs based on the main topics in your outline. Your Formal Outline will serve as the framework of your paper. Follow the framework to give your paper a logical order. Make sure that you elaborate with your research under each main topic. Do not forget to include parenthetical citations; you will have a lot of them.
Make sure that you use transition words between sentences and paragraphs. Vary the way you begin each sentence. Introduce each quotation you use, then comment on it (analyze it) after you integrate it into your paper. Make sure that you use meaningful, pertinent quotations. Revise to get rid of passive voice verbs. Most of the paper should be in third person point of view.
Check for pronoun/antecedent agreement. Check for subject/verb agreement. Check for commas after introductory phrases and clauses. Check for Run-On Sentences and Sentence Fragments. Check to make sure that you use a consistent verb tense. Make sure that you use MLA format and include the heading and a title.
Your Works Cited Page is the last numbered page in your Research Paper. Create the Works Cited Page using the information on your Source Cards. Use the Citation Maker in Noodle Tools to create your Works Cited Page. Remember to include page numbers in your paper. Follow the example of a Research Paper that is in your textbook.
Remember that your Research Paper must be 12-font, double-spaced. Do not quadruple space between paragraphs. Read your paper out loud to find and fix any typographical errors, missing words, or misspellings. Use your Rubric and Checklist to make sure that you have included all required elements of the Research Paper.